Chapter 55

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"Stone...?" I say cautiously, before realizing I again addressed the Prince by a name that has never been his. "Coal, what're you..." I suck in my breath so quickly it hurts when I realize what he's going to do. "No..."
Maybe he ignores me. Maybe he really doesn't hear me at all. He's gone into some kind of trace, almost, jaw squared, eyes focused and glaring at the sleeping creatures. "Coal!"
He doesn't even glance at me, but instead pulls out his swords in a flash, and starts towards the pack (herd...?) not even looking back at me.
Well, thanks for that emotional goodbye. I travel with him for over a week, have my heart broken- He lies to me about everything, brings me to the top of the great mountain of the Wold just for me to die- And goes to commit suicide without giving me a second glance. It occurs to me, now, that he did his job after all. Even if it isn't him that directly takes my life, it's because of Coal that I'm dying.
I try to follow, and, somewhere, in some deep reserve of mine, I find the stand. Taking tentative steps forward, I stumble after him, one foot in front of the other, like always and forever.
Coal, on the other hand, somehow walks tall and proud straight at the sleeping Beasts, wolf tail trailing on the stone behind him, singling out the largest one, of course, because he already isn't being stupid enough. I call out his name again (Yes, his real name- There is no semblance of Stone in this strange new man) but he ignores me. Or, again, he really doesn't hear me.
"COAL!" I scream in an attack of panic when he finally reaches the enormous creature, stopping to stare in wonder up at the twenty foot tall Beast, the largest we've yet encountered.
Suddenly, my strength gives out for the final time, and I collapse- Again, and for the final time. All I can think is... What the heck is he doing?
I think he's lost it, finally gone crazy. What does he think attacking the sleeping monster will achieve? How is that going to prove to the Rulers that we have not lost? It's suicide, it's... Oh. My. God.
On my knees, staring up in disbelief now. As Coal leaps up at the creature's shoulder. Instantly, the Beast awakes, and lets out blood-chilling roar like a sonic boom.

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