Chapter 54

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"Are you sure you are fine with this, Lou?" Harry asks again.

"Yeah, I'm not going to act like you are not my boyfriend. Haz, if this makes you feel uncomfortable then we don't have to do this. But if I get the choice, I'd like to come out immediately. You are too beautiful to hide." Louis kisses Harry's cheek. They are parked in front of the school.

"I'm so lucky I have you." Harry leans in and presses his plumb lips on Louis' tinner one.

"Let's go now, love. We are already kind of late and with your crutches we don't really go fast." Louis steps out of the car and gets the crutches from the backseat, helping Harry carefully out of the car.

"Give me your backpack, baby." Louis says pointing at the bag on Harry's lap.

"It's fine Lou, I'll."

"Give it, Harry."

The demanding tone in Louis' voice gives Harry butterflies and immediately he nods and hands his bag over to Louis. The smaller boy carries it on his shoulder and together they walk into the building.

"Can I have my bag now, baby? I have to leave for class now or I won't be on time."

"Don't worry, I'm going to walk you."

"Louis you will be late yourself."

"Relax, Hazza. It's fine. I'm not going to let you carry your bag while you walk with crutches. So, which class do you have."

Harry looks fondly at his boyfriend.


"See, that wasn't difficult." Louis pinches Harry's cheek, making the taller boy blush.

When they arrive at the classroom several people say hi to Louis, confused to why the boy is in their geography class. Louis greets them briefly back and puts Harry's bag next to Liam who is already sitting down.

Harry awkwardly enters the classroom with his crutches a bit after Louis, trying to get to his chair with all the backpacks thrown in the middle of the passage.

"Guys, take you bags. Harry needs to pass." Louis demands. Immediately everybody takes their bags and puts them aside, listening to Louis.

"Thanks, Lou. I'll see you later?"

Louis nods and kisses Harry's cheek. He feels all the eyes burning on him and a lot of the pupils start to whisper, but Louis totally ignores it. He doesn't give a single shit about their opinions. He is happy with Harry by his side and he will not act differently with Harry than he did with Eleanor only because Harry is a guy. Eleanor and him kissed all the time and no one ever made a big deal about it. If they want to do now, it's their problem, not Louis'. Plus, Louis actually loves Harry so he will be even clingier with him than he was with El.

"See you later. I'll pick you up. Liam be a good sport and help Harry out when I'm not here?" Louis asks to Liam with a friendly tone, not demanding like earlier.

"Sure thing, Louis."

The bell ring and Louis curses under his breath.

"Shit, I got to go. I'll see you later, love. Liam feel free to join us for lunch. Don't want you to be alone now that Stephanie is gone." Louis spurts out of the classroom, making the geography teacher look weird at him when he enters the room as Louis leaves.

"What was that?" Liam whispers to Harry. "Louis carrying your bag, kissing your cheek, inviting me for lunch?"

Harry still looks at the door where Louis just ran out, a lovesick smile on his face.

"He asked me to be his boyfriend."

Liam's jaw drops.

"What? I knew you had a crush on him but him crushing back is a shock! I didn't know Louis liked guys! Is he gay?"

"Unlabelled." Harry immediately answers, knowing that Louis doesn't like it to be called gay and still figuring out his sexuality.

"That's a big deal man. But I am so happy for you. I know that you had genuine feelings for him all the time. Stephanie would freak out if she'd know that the two of you go out now."

"Don't tell her, please. Also, don't talk about her. I can't stand her." Harry snaps. Only thinking about Stephanie and her sick family makes him want to throw up.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you but fine, I won't talk about her and your secret is safe with me. Now, does he make you happy?"

A huge smile covers Harry's face.

"He makes me feel like the luckiest guy on earth, Li. Knowing that he loves me is the best thing ever. I love him too, very much."

"I'm so glad for you, Harry. It's a shame that you guys only figured it out right before your last week of school. How long are you still here? Two weeks?"

And it's like Harry's heart is torn apart. He always pushes the thought away that indeed in two weeks he will have to miss Louis for an entire month before he comes to LA. But the truth to be told, Harry can't wait for the project to be over. Louis and him already discussed attending the same university. The only hard thing is the one month being separated.


"Mister Tomlinson, you are late!" his biology teacher scolds.

"I'm so sorry! I had to help Harry carrying his bag. He is walking on crutches and..."

"I don't need the story of your life, Louis. I need you to sit down, listen and not disturb my class." The older lady snaps. Louis rolls his eyes. He really despises her. He takes place next to Zayn, thanking him for keeping a chair.

"So, mate. I haven't heard from you after your little adventure yesterday. How are you doing? How's Harry?"

"He is my boyfriend." Louis smiles proudly. He just wants to scream it from the rooftops.

"He is? You finally figured things out? I did hear the 'I love you' in my car, Lou. You almost gave me a heart attack. But then you just basically jumped out of my car and ran inside, leaving Harry alone so I didn't know what to think."

Louis blushes. His best friend was a witness to Louis' must vulnerable moment. He heard him declaring his love to Harry.

"I was a bit scared after telling him and obviously I had to be a dick first. I don't feel like explaining it all, the most important thing is that Harry and I are together, oh yeah, and forever."

"That's so cool, mate. I still mean it. I support you. I don't care about who you love as long as they treat you right and I believe Harry will treat you the way you deserve. He looks at you like you are his whole fucking world man."

Louis feels butterflies in his stomach.

"Well, he is mine. I love him, Zayn and I can't wait for this schoolyear to be over. We've already planned everything."

"Please share your plans."

"Well, I graduate one week earlier than Harry so I'll fly to America to see him graduate. I'm going to cry, Zayn. Then we are staying there for one month and after that Harry comes with me to London. We are both going to attend Imperial London university if they will let us in. We will both be doing different art programs and I'm so excited. We will be sharing a flat and just live together only the two of us. No mom that tells me to stop kissing him, no Lottie who gags. God, Zayn I can't wait to share my future with that boy."

Zayn just shakes his head.

"You're in way too deep, Lou."

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