Chapter 58

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"Can you just go fag. I can't believe you are still following Louis like a lost puppy. He doesn't like you, never." The brunette snaps, slowly letting go of Louis.

Harry's eyes fall on Louis. The smaller boy doesn't say a word, not defending Harry. Harry wants to turn around and leave, cry his eyes out and maybe break something while screaming that he is a stupid and naïve fool, but when he takes a closer look at Louis worry spreads over him.

The older boy lets himself slide down against the wall, hugging his knees. He is crying silently and for the first time he looks up at Harry.

"I didn't want it." His voice is barely audible but Harry heard it. "I really didn't, Hazza. She... It was like..." Louis can't finish his sentences and he doesn't have to for Harry to understand.

"Did you force him?" Harry's emerald green eyes are 10 shades darker, ready to start a war with the girl in the hallway.

"I just kissed him, relax. It's not a big deal. Louis stop being dramatic. We've kissed for three years and never heard you complain. What's wrong? Look I'm sorry if I pushed you, I didn't mean to..."

"Get out." Harry points at the door.

"This is not your house, you don't get to tell me what to do."

"I said get out." Harry's voice is low and dangerous.

"You are not the owner of this house."

"I'll call the police if you don't leave right now, Eleanor."

"You are pathetic. Louis, are you really letting him throw me out without properly talking to me? I think I deserve a conversation, don't I ?" El looks at Louis who now has stood up. He walks over to Harry and hides his head in the crook of Harry's neck. Harry protectively wraps his arms around the boy.

"Make her leave, Hazza."

Eleanor's eyes go wide.

"I thought people were pranking me when they told me about the two of you... This... God I don't even want to be here anymore." Eleanor turns around, disgust written on her face as she leaves the house.

Louis starts to cry hard and Harry carefully leads him to the couch.

"Don't be angry. Please don't be angry. I didn't want to kiss her. You hate me, god you hate me. I am so sorry." Louis' sobs are loud and Harry shushes him, caressing his hair.

"I'm not angry, Louis. This is not your mistake baby. I know it's not your mistake. We are fine, don't worry, we are fine. Please tell me how you are doing. Talk about what you think and feel, my love."

"I got flashbacks of Tristan. I know it's stupid because it's Eleanor and I know she would never do... that. It was just rough and I didn't have any control and I freaked out. I hate being out of control. I'm pathetic I'm sorry I should have..."

Harry interrupts the boy, placing his finger against Louis' soft lips.

"It's not pathetic, babe. You've gone through something traumatic. It's normal. Eleanor shouldn't have done that. It's okay to want to be in control, Louis for sure in your situation. What do you think about changing in our swimming trunks and we take a shower? I can wash your hair, you can even wash mine if you want."

Harry knows that Louis feels immediately dirty after someone that he didn't want to has touched him. He has seen the amount of showers that the smaller boy takes and he can put two and two together.

"I'd like that. Can I do your hair after?"

Harry carefully presses a kiss on Louis' cheek and puts some hair behind his ear.

"Of course, my love."


"You can maybe wash your body first and then I'll do your hair. I don't want to push you." Harry says when they are under the shower.

"If that's okay, yeah. I'm sorry, Hazza. You'll be able to touch me, just..."

"Don't apologise. I don't want you to apologise to me for setting your boundaries. I'm not going to push you, Lou. Here, I'll put some bodywash in your hand. Which one do you want? Strawberry? Coconut? Vanilla?"

"Coconut, please." Harry takes the white bottle of bodywash and carefully puts some in Louis' hand. Afterwards he takes the strawberry one to put it in his own hand.

"Can I do your hair first?" Louis asks shyly, the bottle of strawberry shampoo in his hand.


Harry lowers himself a bit so the boy can easily reach his hair. Louis is massaging his scalp and Harry just love the feeling of Louis' fingers putting pressure on his head.

"I love your hair. I'm literally obsessed with your curls." Louis chuckles. Harry loves it. Louis' chuckle is the cutest thing on earth.

"I'm obsessed with you." Harry looks straight into Louis' blue eyes, making both heartbeats go faster.

"I really love you, Harry. You believe me, right?"

"I do, and I love you. Now I'm going to wash your hair, my love. If you don't feel comfortable tell me, yes? Or if you prefer to do it yourself?"

Louis shakes his head.

"No, it's fine. I want you to do it."


Louis just finished playing with Harry's hair. He has put it in a bun, and made little braids on the top of his head.

"I didn't know you could braid." Harry says when he looks in the mirror. Louis steps behind him, hugging Harry's waist from behind and kisses his clothed shoulder before resting his head on it.

"I used to do it for Lottie when she was younger. My mom didn't have time." He mumbles.

"You are a good brother."


"She really loves you, your sister." Harry looks at Louis through the mirror and the smaller boy looks back.

"I've been shitty towards her the last few years. We were really close when she was younger. She was only one when dad died and I always felt like I had to take his place to raise her."

"You never talked to me about your dad." Harry turns around so he can look into Louis eyes without using the mirror.

"It wasn't only my dad who died that day. It was also my aunt and my nephew, you know, uncle James' wife and child. They crashed on uncle James' birthday. They were picking up supplies for his surprise party."

"I'm so sorry, Lou."

"It's okay. I miss my dad but I know how to deal with it, really. I'm still worried about uncle. He still is scared to love. He hasn't been with anyone since the dead of my aunt."

"What about your mom?"

"She had a boyfriend for like a year or something but he didn't click with Lottie."

"You've been through so much. I just wish I could take all your pain away." Harry hugs Louis tightly, kissing his temple.

"You do, Harry. You really do." 

From LA to UK {Larry Stylinson book 1}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن