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"OMG VIC!" mia squealed as she opened the front door of the hype house to let in victoria, engulfing her in giant a hug afterwards.

"vinnie should be in his room." mia walked vic to the hall where vinnie's room was. "does he know you're coming to see him?" "well he'll know in less than a minute," vic sighed as she walked down the hall, approaching vinnie's door. "thanks for everything, mia!" "of course, bae! anytime!"

"hey vin— ohmyfuck—" victoria immediately turned around, facing the door as she accidentally walked into vinnie having fun with himself in his gaming chair. "vic, what the fuck are you doing here!? dude are you kidding me right now?" vinnie pulled up his pants hastily and ran to the washroom to wash his hands. yuck.

"why the fuck are you doing that shit so early, huh?" vic gagged. "you think i can control when im horny and not?!" victoria was quiet cause of course she got what he was saying, but was currently trying to get over the fact that she just saw him doing— well she didn't see anything, only his head thrown back and hand on his area (that's all. okay. that's all.).

"so i guess you were too busy doing shit anyway... so um i think imma go," vic nervously chuckled as she headed towards the door but was stopped by vinnie, pointing at her to go sit on his bed.

"no. i was gonna come when i was done... you know..." "mm yeah you were gonna come," vic laughed as she flopped down at the end of the boys bed. "haha, real mature, victoria."

"now why the fuck are you here?" vinnie questioned as he was trying to pick out a hoodie to wear in his closet.

"listen umm i'm here to tell you that you can't c-ome um to uh the photoshoot," vic stuttered quickly, leaving vinnie with a confused expression on his face.

"well, why not?" he asked as he walked back into the room, pulling the hoodie over his head. looks like vinnie and vic were getting good at forgetting about those interesting moments so quickly.

"ummm cause... today you're on break!" she tried to state confidently but the boy simply rolled his eyes at her. "tell me the truth. you don't want me there hm?" vinnie crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows as he looked down at a nervous vic.

"of course i want you there!" victoria stood up from the bed, now at more of an eye level with vinnie. "it's just... you can't come! i've invited too many people already and the photographer's getting mad!" vic nodded and repeated that line in her head, trying to see if that made any sense at all. (fingers crossed🤞)

"just un-invite avery so there's space for me to come then," he shrugged. woo, does that mean he bought it? "i cant, v. pleaseeee just sit this one out," vic begged and may or may not have had that puppy dog expression on her face. lol.

"you know, i don't get it, victoria! i'm your best friend!" vinnie threw his arms up in the air, moving to grab his keys from the dresser before leaving the room.

"vinnie, wait!" victoria followed behind and cussed under her breath as her plan to keep vinnie from going to the shoot may have backfired.

"k well as my best friend, you're supposed to be understanding about this type of thing," vic blurted out accidentally which made vinnie even more furious than he already was. "whatever."

if vinnie saw nai at the shoot, he'd seriously be pissed— since it would be the first time he see's his ex since they broke up. well duh like isn't that obvious!?

ʙ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ ꜰ ¡ ᴛ ꜱ , vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now