Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 is dedicated to I_knew_it_XD and SwapneshaDhurat

Thank you for your support ❤

"We're going shopping!" Callie sang as we entered the boutique.

I had called her to ask her opinion on where we could go to get a nice dress for Bianca and she insisted on coming along too. She was minoring in fashion design and used that as an excuse to go shopping even more. She wasn't in the scene being filmed this evening, although she would have to rush back to make it in time for a night scene.

"This is so much fun!" Hailey giggled, nudging me out of the way and linking arms with Callie.

Callie quickly pulled away from her and tried her best to smooth out her irritated expression after I sent her a meaningful glance, reminding her to play nice.

"Thank you, ladies." Bianca smiled happily. "My own soulmate party was a few years ago, so my outfit doesn't have to be out of this world. This party is your time to shine, Callie."

"Mine too," Hailey gushed.

Bianca gave her a polite smile. We ended up shopping at one of the high end designer boutiques in the Royal Realm. The price tags on the dresses were high enough to send me into orbit.

We spent the majority of the afternoon having Bianca try on countless dresses. Hailey had a good eye for fashion too, and as much as Callie disliked her, they ended up agreeing on a lot of things. I hadn't told her about what had happened between Hailey and Ashton. It seemed too private and besides, he wasn't even my boyfriend anymore.

"If you wear this dress, then you could put your hair up like this," Callie suggested.

"She could let the back down just a bit," Hailey chimed in.

Callie thought about that and then nodded, satisfied. "Sounds good."

Bianca turned around, examining her body in the mirror. "This one looks good."

"That's what you said about the last ten dresses," Callie laughed.

"They all look good," Bianca groaned. "I've gained so much weight though."

"You look fabulous, queen. You rock this dress really well."

Bianca smiled at that and then smiled at her reflection in the mirror. "I wonder if Beau will like it."

"He said that purple was nice," I remembered.

She nodded, pleased. "I'll buy it."

We finally emerged from the store after Bianca happily purchased her dress. Callie glanced back longingly at the building. She was empty handed. She had told me to hold onto her card for her in case she felt tempted to go on a shopping spree.

She looked close to tears, but I stood firm. This was tough love. Callie already had too much clothes.

"You're stone cold, Liz," she sighed. "That black dress had my name all over it."

"So do all the other black dresses in your closet," I laughed. "You'll live."

Hailey volunteered to get us some smoothies while we rested. As usual, she had her host of bodyguards, so she'd be fine.

She was back in a few minutes. "Here you go," she said, handing them out.

I frowned at the blue liquid in the cup. "Is this blueberry?"


"Liz can't drink that," Callie said, quickly swapping my cup with hers. "She asked you to get strawberry, not blueberry."

"I'm allergic to blueberries," I explained.

"Oh," Hailey pouted, although she didn't look too apologetic. "Sorry."

"You didn't know." Callie shrugged.

I frowned as I sipped on what would have been Callie's smoothie. I decided to just brush it off. We were all kind of tired, so she'd probably heard me wrong. That must have been it. Hailey smiled at me from across the table. She seemed nice, suspiciously nice, but nice all the same. Maybe I'd just been imagining things.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

The soulmate party is almost here! What do you want to see happen?

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See you in the next chapter!

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