Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 is dedicated to PrettyLuhShanti and Feranmi_Adebowale and DivyanshiKhandelwal8

Thank you for your support ❤

EMPEROR CADEN DELORENTES (King of Crysauralia and Emperor of the Crysauralian Empire)
Age: 51

EMPRESS ARABELLA DELORENTES (Queen of Crysauralia and Empress of the Crysauralian Empire)
Age: 45

PRINCE CAVAUGHN DELORENTES (Prince of the Crysauralian Empire and future king of Gregoria)
Age: 25


The jet finally touched down at the airport and then I immediately got picked up by a chauffeur. After spending the long flight alone, I was missing Ashton. Slipping into the car, my sigh quickly became a gasp of surprise as Ashton grinned at me.

“Ash, what are you doing here?”

“I thought you’d be happy to see me,” he said, feigning heartbreak.

“I am,” I laughed, pulling him closer for a hug. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, mystery lady.”

I glared at him and he grinned back innocently.

“Everyone knows who I am now.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No… it just feels weird.”

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he frowned, taking my hand. “If it’s too soon-”

I shook my head, cutting him off. “I’ll be fine, Ash. More importantly,” I grinned, “Congratulations on your declaration ceremony!”

“Thank you, thank you,” he laughed. “The real work begins now.”

I nodded. “It does. But we can do it together. That’s what soulmates are for.”

We finally arrived at the cabin a few minutes to eleven. The trip was long and we were the last to arrive. The rest of the royal family had already arrived a while ago. Brooke waved at us excitedly from the porch.

“Welcome, dears,” the queen greeted us warmly.

Beside her, the king wore a smug smile. I tried to ignore him.

We bundled inside and I sighed contentedly as the warmth of the house thawed my chilly fingers. After talking for a while, everyone headed upstairs to their rooms, keen on getting some rest before morning.

“Ahhh!” I stretched as we entered the room.

Everything looked the same as the last time we’d been here. The sheets were different. Thicker; just right for the cold winter night.

I was exhausted from the long day. The long trip to Charlhelm Citadel, the excitement of the declaration ceremony and then the even longer trip here. It hardly seemed like everything happened in just twenty four hours.

Ashton looked around with a smile. “This room brings back memories.”

I stopped mid yawn and looked over at him. The mischievous glint in his eyes reminded me of what kind of memories he was talking about. My face heated up as I stared at him.

“You haven’t forgotten have you, princess?”

He pulled me closer to him until we were pressed together. The firmness of his embrace brought us together like statues. His lips pulled up into a dangerous smirk. At his touch a thrilling shiver crept up my spine and his smirk got wider. He knew just how he made me feel. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer.

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