Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 is dedicated to Miki189 and Astrxd-

Thank you for your support ❤

"Checkmate," I laughed as Kevin lost yet another round of chess.

He frowned at the board. "I hate this game."

"You hate any game that doesn't come with a controller."

He thought about this. "Yeah, pretty much."
He pulled me up from where I was sitting. "You look really beautiful tonight, Liz."

I smiled down at the floor. "Thanks, you look pretty good too."

"What's on your mind?"

"If you haven't realized, I'm the definition of a party spoiler. Almost drowning, getting on Princess Malorie's bad side, getting kidnapped... I wonder what will happen tonight," I mused.

"Nothing will happen tonight," he laughed at my worried expression. "Tonight might be the best."

"Or the worst."

"When did you get so pessimistic?" he groaned, ruffling my hair,

I scowled, pushing him away and fixing my hair. My hair took too long to get done to have him mess it up. Tonight, tousling of the hair was not allowed.

"However you think the night is going to turn out," he continued, "You won't know for sure unless you actually go. Is this what single people do? Play chess in suits and dresses?"

I grinned at him. "You're just trying to leave before you lose again."

"Hey, I lose gracefully."

I giggled, lightly slapping his shoulder. "Okay, I'm ready to face the music."

"Tonight can be whatever melody you want it to be."

We headed downstairs. The only person waiting there was CaVaughn who wearing grey sweats; his hair was wet. Something told me he was skipping out on the party. Brooke stomped in from the kitchen as we entered the room. She scowled furiously at the ground and folded her hands across her chest.

"Why the long face, princess?" Kevin asked, stooping down to her height.

She motioned to her pyjamas, her scowl deepening.

"I want to go to the party too, but mom and dad say it's too late and I have to go to bed. I'm not sleepy at all!" she protested.

"It's going to be a very late party." I smiled at her. She was so adorable.

"Mom says I can't go until I'm older." Her blue eyes sparkled unhappily. "I can't wait to grow up. I want to go too!"

"You'll be old enough one day, but isn't being a child fun?"

She considered this. "Yes. I get to eat a lot of sweets." She smiled, emphasizing the amount with her hands. "Candy is one bajillion times better than a party."

I nodded. That was straight facts. I would trade this party for just one gummy bear right now.

She skipped over to CaVaughn. "Cavie, come read to me, please."

"I'm busy."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "No, you're not."

"I'm going to train."

"Liar." She fluttered her lashes at him. "Pretty please, with a cherry on top?"

He sighed and looked down at her and for a second I could see his eyes soften, and then they went back to their numb, robot-like look. Brooke didn't seem to notice or mind, and reached up to link her fingers with his, pulling him along to the staircase.

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