11: Day 8

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"Derek!! I know you're in there! Get up!"

The yelling wakes me up immediately and my worst fears come to light; I was still in Derek's room. Sitting up, I watch the pure fear spread across his features, and we frantically get up and contemplate our next move. Before I could say anything, Derek puts a finger to his lips and softly hushes me.

"I'll be right there, Jess!" He yelled back, grabbing my arm and leading me to the door, "I promise I'll be there in 15!"

"Okay." Jessica sighed on the other side, "And also, if you see Cece please tell her Yvonne is looking for her. I don't know why, but just tell her that she's wanted."

My eyes widened and Derek rolled his eyes, "Okay Jess, I'll see you soon! Stay safe!"

"Alright you weirdo." When the footsteps heard weakened, I turned to face Derek.

"I didn't go back last night."

"No shit Sherlock." He remarks, unlocking the door, "Leave, I have to meet Jess at the table."

"But we're not gonna talk about-"

He shoved me out the door and promptly closed it, locking me out of his room. I banged on the door.

"Derek! This is not funny!" I screeched, "You didn't even give me my jacket!"

He opened the door briefly and threw the jacket in my face before slamming it in my face again. I huffed, showing my middle finger before leaving his room to go find Yvonne.


After a couple of hours of searching and eating the fruits that I grabbed at the breakfast table, I finally found Yvonne swimming. Well, more like floating.

"Yvonne!" I yell, grabbing her attention.

She walks to the shore and finally comes to me. Her hair is wet and she touches it slowly.

"This is gonna be so hard to blow-dry later." She complains, "Come on, let's go back to our room. You know, the room you weren't in last night." She begins to walk back to the hotel as my face goes pink.

I run to catch up with her, "I can explain."

"Can you now?" She huffs, entering the building and making her way up the stairs, "I suppose you had a good time?"

"What do you mean?" I say as her speed walking irritated me to the core and put too much pressure on my body.

"I said what I said, Cecelia." She puts the key in the lock and turns it, "I hope you had fun with Derek."

My eyes widen again and she opens the door before slamming it shut in my face. What's up with people slamming doors in my face today?

"Yvonne, open this door!" I banged it again.

"You dimwit, it's unlocked. I wasn't going to keep the door open for you."

I open the door and close it gently, facing Yvonne, "Listen, I can explain-"

"Then explain babe, do explain!" She then begins to braid her wet hair.

"Then let me talk goddamnit!" I say angrily, "You were drunk out of your mind, and you-"

"So that made you sleep with Derek? Jessica's boyfriend? Your ex?" She stops me in my tracks.

"Yvonne, I did not sleep with Derek." I shake my head, slightly horrified, "Why would you even think I would?"

"Oh I don't know, because he's the fucking ex you're not over, he's hot-"

"Hold up you think Derek's hot?" I ask.

"NOT THE POINT!" Yvonne screams in my face, "You slept with Derek, why?"

"First of all I did not sleep with Derek, he let me stay in his room for the night because my super responsible roommate was getting drunk out of her mind and dancing like a stripper for Jameela!" I fire back, watching her laugh slightly.

"So this is tracing back to Jameela huh? It's all about that bitch with the braids huh?" She said sarcastically, "You literally slept with-"

"Has it not occurred to you that I've always been friends with Derek, and we used to do this?" I roll my eyes, "Can you even hear yourself? You're screaming at me because I went to sleep in Derek's room."

"Don't you see how wrong that is? Derek's girlfriend, Jessica if you forgot, is on this trip, and already thinks you two will get back together. Then, you go and get into the same bed with Derek doing who knows what-"

"I told you I didn't sleep with him!" I scream again.

"That's why I said doing who knows what, you idiot." She scoffs, "And you leave Jessica wondering why the door is locked, and why she heard groaning-"

"Fuck, she heard that?" I remembered that Derek sometimes snored in his sleep or even sleep talked. His sleep talking got better, only becoming an incoherent groan. Obviously Jessica didn't know that if she's freaking out.

"Derek sleep talks, Yvonne. If he wasn't talking, he for sure was mumbling. It probably sounded like a groan to her-"

"Cecelia Veronica White, what did you and Derek do last night?" Yvonne says my full name, staring deeply into my eyes, "And don't you dare try to lie to me."

We stare at each other for a while. Should I really tell her what happened between Derek and I? If I do, that could ruin a lot of things for me. But if I don't, she'll assume I did sleep with Derek and that won't end well for me and Jess.

In all reality, I did not sleep with Derek. What we did do was make out, and we eventually stopped, realizing it was wrong. He then proceeded to cuddle with me as we fell asleep, trying to forget what happened between us. We did fall asleep together, but we didn't sleep together. That's believable, right?

Now if this woman believes me, I'll be out of her hair for a while.

"I'm waiting." She said, slipping on a black dress.

"We...we...did not sleep together."

"Then what the fuck did you do, Cecelia?" She cusses.

"Yvonne, we made out." I whispered, watching her face fall, "It was a mistake, a stupid one."

She says nothing for a while, and then picks up her headphones and phone, "Well I hope it was fucking worth it." She then walks past me, making sure to bump shoulders with me.

"Yvonne!" I scream to no avail, and she opens the door and storms out.

I stare at the open door, and hope for her to come back. When she doesn't, I walk towards it and close it, turning my back on it and sitting on the floor, the door supporting my back. A tear slips from my eye.

"I fucked up. Big time." I whisper to myself, using my arms to hug my knees.

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