13: Day 10

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"Glad you could finally make it today." Nathan smiled as Yvonne helped me down the stairs, "Well, barely."

"She's still a little sick. I had to help her get out of the freaking bed." She complained, placing me in the chair, "How are the cramps now?"

"Not as bad, but it's just a little uncomfortable."

"Told you to wear a pad."

"Tampons help me move freely." I argued, "I don't want to look like I'm wearing a diaper."

"Can we stop talking about red waterfalls?" Leon sighed irritably, "We're waiting for Mr Kahale and the others. He said we're doing the activity we were supposed to do yesterday."

"Why didn't you guys do it?"

"Because apparently we need pairs for this, and Yvonne didn't have a pair because you were dying in the room." Jameela came in, sitting in front of me, "I asked her to be my partner, but it was to no avail."

"I don't like you." Yvonne bluntly stated.

"Jeez, you didn't have to be that harsh, you know." Jameela scoffed, "I get the fact that you have a humongous crush on Cece-"

"Shut the fuck up." Yvonne cussed, and I blushed bright red.

"It's quite obvious." As Derek and Jessica approached us, Jameela spoke even louder, "Everyone knows that Cecelia and Yvonne are on the verge of dating, even after Derek and Cecelia fucked."

I looked at Jess and Derek, who both eyed me. Jessica murmured a 'I can't do this' and ran off, Derek giving me a lasting glance, then running after her.

Before I could speak, Yvonne stood up, "They didn't sleep together you nasty bitch. You have no right to assume."

Jameela chuckled, "You can see it in their eyes, Yvonne. I'm surprised you can't see that she's playing you like a basketball."

Yvonne looked at me while Jameela continued, "I mean think about it; she sleeps with Derek then has the audacity to try and apologise to you? She's treating you like a side chick."

"You fucking cunt!" Yvonne snapped, lunging for Jameela as the rest of us rushed to pull them apart.

When we finally got them away from each other, I noticed Yvonne had snatched a couple of Jameela's braids and placed them around her neck like a scarf. With Yvonne thrashing and kicking in Nathan's arms, I couldn't help but wonder; did she really have a crush on me? Was I that dumb to not see the signs?

"I guess we'll have to cancel this activity too?" Mr Kahale said out of nowhere, holding a bunch of helmets before dropping them to the ground, "The hardest group ever." He muttered as he walked away.

Jameela tore away from Brandon's grip, "Get your filthy hands off of me." She stormed off, with a yelling Gia following her.

There was an awkward silence that ensued. Nathan gently let Yvonne go, and she walked away in silence. Kim and Brandon watched in silence, with Kim eating popcorn. Nathan and Leon looked at me, and I shrugged; what was I supposed to do? Nothing.

"This has to end." Brandon cut the awkward silence off, "Whatever is going on with all of you, has to stop. We came here to enjoy, not create our own Bad Girls Club: Hawaii. Please fix it." He reached for Kim's hand, "Come on."

She obliged and stood, walking off with him hand in hand.

"When in the world?-"

"Have fun and find love I guess." Nathan smiled, "Now, what do we do?" He looked at me seriously.

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