12: Day 9

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I stayed in for the day on account of my period beginning and cramps that felt like knives were being shoved up my vagina. I also avoided going out today because Yvonne clearly doesn't want to talk to me yet, and I was also avoiding Derek and Jessica alike. Everyone is upset with me and I'm not ready to face them. Yvonne would've been easier but when I saw that she wasn't even responding to me in the evening, I gave up hope. So here I am, in bed with an ice pack to my lower torso, twisting and turning.

There were two knocks on the door, and I groaned, "Come in!"

Nathan and Leon entered the room with some food, Leon setting the tray on the table, "You weren't at breakfast today."


Leon began to blush, "Oh... I'm sorry Cece."

Nathan set the cup of orange juice next to the tray, "We came to talk to you."

"If it's about what I think it's about, then save it." I turned away from them, "Go ask them, not me."

"Yvonne, Derek and Jessica aren't saying a thing. Which is odd because Derek loves talking about you, or specifically issues involving you." Leon muttered, sitting besides me on my bed, "So what actually happened?"

"Derek and I hooked up." I sighed, putting a pillow over my head, "I'm a fucking idiot."

The pillow was removed and I stared up at Nathan, who gave me an absurd look.

"Wait, you mean you guys slept with each other?" He asked.

"I hate the fact that you two sleep with each other when I'm not there, what's the whole point of our friendship dumbass?" Leon added to Nathan's statement.

"I didn't sleep with him, we just shared a kiss." I corrected them, taking the piece of toast from the plate, "And just cuddled."

"No wonder Jessica wants your head on a platter." Nathan rolled his eyes, "Couldn't you two just...not do it while she's here?"

Leon whacked his arm, "Don't support this, Nate!"

"Sorry Lee, but you've got to admit; Cece and Derek act like a married couple half the time." He shrugged.

"And she does the same with Yvonne- holy shit, what about Yvonne?" Leon asked me, "I thought you liked her?"

"I like her-"

"And she likes Derek too." Nathan cut me off, running a hand through his blonde hair, "Make a decision, woman."

"What do I do? I mean I fucked up pretty bad; Derek doesn't want to talk to me, Yvonne doesn't want to talk to me, Jessica probably hates me now, and I'm here being a confused mess. I mean, what do I like? Who do I like? What the fuck is my sexual orientation?" I bit into my toast.

"I believe you're bisexual, Cecelia." Nate answered, "Either that or you're questioning."

"I'd go with bi, I mean, she can't just be crushing on Derek and Yvonne at the same time with no effect? It's not possible."

"Look at you midgets trying to figure out my sexual orientation like I am not in the fucking room." I scoffed, "I think I'm bi."

"And you're caught in a love triangle!" Leon clapped his hands, "I'm so proud of you."

"More like floating in a love story that doesn't have a happy ending. I basically fucked things up with both of them."

"Wait, why the fuck is Yvonne mad at you? Isn't this between you, Derek and Jessica?" Nathan asked.

"She basically called me a backstabber for doing this when Jessica was here and stuff like that-"

"Did she say anything else?" Leon's tone became a little interrogative.

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