The Case

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Spencer's Pov

   I woke up at around 4:00 in the morning. I had work today, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Stop being stupid, everything is fine, I thought to myself. I got up from my bed to go make some coffee. I could here music coming from the apartment across mine. Some teenagers who get drunk and party almost every night. As I was walking over to get my coffee, I brushed my fingers through my greasy hair. I haven't showered since we got back from Nevada for our case.

   It was child abduction case. Those were always hard. The unsub was taking them at night, while the rest of their family was asleep. He kept the kids for a few days before stabbing them. While he held them, he starved them and electrocuted them. The unsub sent us clues on how to find them. Even I, a genius with an IQ of 187, couldn't figures it out. I was really off my game during that case. What this man did to kids that are only 9-12, was sick. I'm just glad we put the sick bastard away.

    It was 8:00 in the morning decided I really needed to get ready. Being that I had to be at work in an hour. I hopped in the shower then put on my suit and headed for work. When driving there, something was bothering me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it though. There was something wrong, I just wasn't sure what it was yet. I told myself that everything was fine and that I just needed to get back to work. The last case we had was hard, but I was confident the next case we had would be easier. At least, I hoped it would be

  When I walked into the bullpen, I saw Tara and Luke talking to each other, making snarky comments to each other. They both are really funny. They never fail to make anyone laugh. I heard Rossi and Matt debating something about sports. I think it was baseball, but I'm not one for sports, so of course, i didn't exactly understand. Emily and JJ are talking it up with each other. JJ was complaining about Micheal waking her up in the middle of the night. Emily told JJ about her "wonderful" night with her boyfriend Jason. I loved seeing everyone together. I figured that Garcia was in her "bat cave" looking over cases. After I sat down at my desk, I opened my book and started reading.

   I read 2 different books before I saw Garcia come rushing out of her little lab of computers. She had a panicked expression across her face and looked a bit fidgety. "We have a case." Garcia said, her voice was trembling, and her forehead was sweating. We all looked at each other with concern. As we walked into the board room, we all sat down in our seats. Some more slowly than the others. Emily also looked really worried. We all were debating what this case could be about in our heads, but it had to be big. Garcia was never one for the bloody cases. She couldn't even look at the crime scene photos without looking at videos of baby animals afterwords. But this was different.  This seemed different.

"Okay my crime fighters, we are going to Las Vegas, Nevada. There was been a series of murders of 5 people, all men within the age range of 20-30. The unsub held them for 5 days before shooting them, execution-style." Garcia stated. Today, she wasn't her happy, go-lucky self. She seemed worried.

"There's also another thing. The victims were all drugged." Emily said. She also had a worried expression on her face. We all were wondering what was going on.

"What were they drugged with?" Luke asked. He also was a bit confused about why Emily and Garcia were so shifty.


Then, my heart stopped. The room went silent. Emily, JJ, and Garcia all take a look at me. I just sat there. Tara, Luke, Matt, and Rossi were all really confused. They didn't know what happened in that cabin 13 years ago. They didn't know how hard I struggle afterwards. They didn't know that I became addicted. I never trusted anyone with that. I mean, why would I tell anyone. I was a genius   with an IQ of 187. I was the smartest person in that room. How does a genius get addicted to drugs. Diluadid at that.

  I cleared my throat then decided to speak up. "Well, he certainly has a type, all white men in their mid-twenties to early-thirties."

  Everyone could now tell that I was on edge. This was the thing I had a bad feeling about. I just thought that it would be a harder case again. But never in a million years, would I ever imagine this.

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