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Spencer's Pov

I woke up in a bright room that smelled of bleach. I heard a beeping noise that really annoyed me. When I opened my eyes some more, I realized I was in the hospital. I was alive. I saw Max sleeping at my side. I shook her to show her that I was awake.

"Hey there."
"Oh my god you're awake!" She gave me a big kiss and hugged me for what seemed like 2 hours.
"I love you much, you know that?" I told her.
"I love you too. Later I have some exciting news for you." She said enthusiastically.

"Why hello there Dr.Reid! Glad to see you're awake. You've been in a coma for 6 days." The doctor told me.

"6?" I thought it was only a few hours.

"Yes. You've been through a major trauma. It's not that uncommon."
"So, what exactly happened to me? Like what injuries were sustained?" This worried me. Will I be able to go back to work soon? Also, I looked at Max, I didn't want her to hear.

"Well, you were electrocuted multiple times, you had both of your shoulders dislocated. You also have a grade 3 concussion. A lot more injuries were sustained but we can go over that later. I will be back to check on you in a hour."

"Call my team, I want them here." I said. I was happy that she was here with me, but I really wanted to see my team.
"Of course, but I have something to tell you first." She said with a smile beaming from here beautiful face. I was so lucky to have her. Ever since Maeve, I never thought I would find love again. But here she is. Standing in front of me. I love her so much.

"Well, before the whole ordeal, I found something out." Then she pulled out a blue bag with ribbons on it. When I opened it, there was pregnancy photos on it.

"Are you.."
"I am. And I hope that you would want to keep it."
"Of course I do! Oh my god, we're going to be parents." I exclaimed.I was so happy. I've wanted kids for so long. I can't believe that I was going to be a dad.

About 30 minutes later, my team arrived at the hospital. I was so happy to see them.
"Hey kid! How're you feeling?" Rossi asked me. I know he was worried. His was the last face I saw before I went unconscious.
"Considering I've been in a coma for almost a week, I'm feeling pretty great." I said, tightening the grip on Max's hand.

Everyone have me their share of hugs and comments about how they were glad I was awake. I asked Max if we could tell them, she said yes. I was so excited to tell them. I, Spencer Reid, was going to be a father.

"Well guys, I have some exciting news. Max and I are having a baby." I said smiling ear to ear.

"Oh my god! Congratulations you guys!" Emily told us.
"I'm happy for you man, congrats." Luke said.
Penelope was going crazy over this. I already knew she was going to be buying our kid everything she could afford.

Everyone gave me their congratulations before Emily finally said something that really brought my mood down.

"Spencer. I'm happy for you, but we have a problem,"
"What is it?" I asked her. It had to be really bad.
"James escaped. He's still in the wind." Damn it. Just as I thought this nightmare was over. Why couldn't he just leave me alone. I guess that's the price you pay for having a psychotic brother.

"But we will find him Spencer. I sure as hell can promise you that. But in the mean time, one of us will stay with you at all times. There was be a cop p,aced right outside your door the entire time. Don't worry Reid, we're going to catch him." Emily explained. We both knew that was an empty promise. There was no way of telling whether we would catch him or not. He was smart. Smart enough to get away with this. He was a Reid after all.

In order to stay positive, I tried to focus on Max. We were having a kid. I couldn't believe it. I never thought that I would ever be a dad. I was so happy that we were going to be parents. But then there was that one thought: I dodged the schizophrenic gene from my mom, what if I was it onto our kid.
This really made me worry. Then the Alzheimer's gene. There's so much that could go wrong. But regardless, this was going to be my child, and I was going to love them no matter what.

Max's Pov

I got the call from Emily that they knew where he was. I was staying at a hotel in Las Vegas until they had more news on where he was. I was so relieved that he was okay. I hadn't known what damage was done to him, but I was happy to hear he was alive.

   I waited at the station with Penelope. I loved her. She was always so kind and sent us cookies every Saturday that he had off. She was the biggest sweetheart with the purest heart.

I got a call from JJ saying he was going to be at Riverview Hospital and he'll be in surgery. Penelope and I drove to the hospital as fast as we could.

  "He's going to be okay. He's going to be okay. He's going to be okay." Penelope whispered to herself. Honestly, was he okay? Will he be the same man i've known for so long? The possibility's were endless, but I had to have faith right now.

When we arrived at the hospital, we saw the rest of the team together in the waiting room. They all looked really worried. JJ came up to me and gave me a big hug, along with Garcia.

"How is he?" I asked worriedly.
"He's still in surgery. It's gonna be awhile." JJ told me. I took a deep breath and sat down with his team.
"So what exactly happened? Like, what injuries were sustained?" I asked them. They all looked at me with concern. I knew that it was that bad.
"Here, come with me outside." Emily replied.
We walked out to the front of the hospital and sat on a green bench outside the front doors. She took a deep breath in and started talking.
"What you need to understand, is that he is going to get through this, slowly but surely."
"Okay." I said nodding.
"He was taken from outside the station. While he held him, he tortured him severely. There was a shock collar around his neck, he was cut with a knife multiple times all over his body," Emily started. I felt my chest tighten. But there was more. My god, there was more.

"He also had his shoulder dislocated, along with a few other bones. He was also beaten, multiple times. He had a major concussion and a broken nose. When we found him, there was a gunshot in his abdomen. He also had been drugged, with diluadid." She finished.
I felt my heart stop. I started to panic, but I had to stay calm. I didn't want to put too much stress in the baby.
"Oh my god. Diluadid? Damn it." I didn't want him to have to go through his addiction again. I wasn't there for when he was still using, but I don't want to. It's not that I don't want to take care of him, I just don't want to see him suffer.

A few hours later, The doctor came out to the waiting room.

"Spencer Reid?"
"That's us." Luke muttered. We were all preparing for the worst.
"Well, the good news is he's out of surgery. There were a few complications but other than that, the surgery went smooth. We were able to remove the bullet from his abdomen." The doctor stated.

"What's the bad news?" Penelope asked.
"He's in a coma. There's about a 75% chance that he won't wake up." The doctor explained to us with a tone of sympathy.

  After 6 days, He finally woke up. I was so glad he was awake. I couldn't imagine having to raise his kid alone. But unfortunately, his brother was still in the wind. Spencer was going to need extra protection 24/7. But, I was confident that his team would catch him. They always do.

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