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Taras Pov

    I've know Reid for about 6 years now, but I've learned more about him these past few days than I have all  these years. I mean, get why he wouldn't want to tell us right away, but I wish he would've told me something about his addiction. I know that can be a hard thing to share, but did he not trust us enough to hold that secret of his?

   Now that I think of it, I have seen the old holes in the crook of his elbow. I didn't think anything of it though. They seemed fated, so it was hard to tell what they really were. I assumed like an idiot that they were nothing. Now isn't the time to bitch Tara. I thought to myself. I was acting like a teenager who just got broken up with. I needed to keep my rational brain going.

   I could tell Reid was uncomfortable. He hasn't talked about this in years.

  "You turned him in?" Emily asked.

   "I was 14. I didn't know what to do. When you see a thing like that, your first instinct is to tell someone." Spencer explained to us. Poor kid. He's been through so much, it just isn't fair.

   "Reid,I want to walk you through a cognitive interview if that's okay with you." Emily asked him. This all took me back to when Spencer was arrested. Framed for drug possession then murder. He was locked inside of a box for over 3 months. All the memories coming through, of him beaten up from other prisoners, his sleep deprivation. I just want to find this son of a bitch and lock him up.

Emily's Pov

I hated seeing Reid like this. This job has brought him so much pain and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I hated that. But right now, we are doing our best to find this scumbag. I brought Reid over to a smaller room for some privacy for the cognitive.

"I'm going to bring you back to the day you turned found your brother killing his friend. I know this is hard but it will be an extreme help if you can remember little details. It could tell us what his next move will be."

"Emily, we only have 24 hours left before he kills more people. This isn't going to do us any good." Reid said. He was getting angrier by the minute. But who could blame him?

"Reid, listen to me. Everything that you uncover from that day with help us tremendously. You know that." I said, trying to comfort him. I knew it wasn't going to work, but it was worth a shot.

"Fine. I'll do it." He sat down in the chair across from me. His leg was bouncing and his hands were shaking. This must be horrible for him.

   "Okay, so you're 14 years old. You are home from college with your mother and brother. What's happening around you?"

   "It's my mom, she's having one of her episodes. She was panicking and running around the kitchen." He told me.

   "Okay, okay, that's good. Do you remember what she was panicking about?"

   "I don't know Emily."

   "Think, Spencer."

   "I'm trying. She was yelling at something."

     "What is it Reid?"

   "Just one of her hallucinations."

   "Okay what else do you notice?" I ask him.

    "I see the back door open, there's blood on the ground."

   "Who's blood is it?"

   "I don't know, I go outside to see what was happening."

    "After you go outside, what's happening?"

    "I see him. I see my brother running away. When I run after him, I noticed the body. He was beaten up and had stab wounds."

   To think that his brother was 16 at the time. It's sickening.

   "Do you run after your brother or stay with his friend?"

   "I ran after him,  I ran after him for about 30 minutes. I finally got tired so I called the cops."

   Reid was beginning to stress out at this moment. But we had to go further.

   "When the cops found him, he was in a cabin, in Summerlin." Reid began to open his eyes.

   "That's where he is! The cabin!"

   "Slow down Reid, we have to play it safe here-"

Suddenly, we were interrupted by the shouts of Luke Alvez.
    "Prentiss! Reid!" He shouted.

Spencer's Pov

When we got finished with the cognitive, we heard Luke shouting our names. Emily looked at with furrowed eyebrows. We didn't know what was wrong.

When we walked into the room with the TV, we were greeted with a video of the unsub. My brother. James.

Then, he started to speak.

   "You see, as Spencer knows, I'm quite an impatient guy. So i'm giving you guys one more hour. One more until you hand him over to me, and I release them unharmed."

   Then, he turned the camera over to the 3 hostages he had.

   "If not well," He walked over to the 3 people and stood behind one of them.
She was crying really hard. She was a white woman, in her mid to late 30s. She had scrubs on, so I assumed she was in the medical field of some sort.

   He then grabbed a knife and slit her throat. "If not, this is the price you pay."

You could see fear in the rest of their eyes, fearing that they were next.

   This was all my fault. Why did I ever confide in him. Even while he was in prison. Why did I ever even turn him in? I attempted to hold these thoughts back, but they didn't leave.

   "Son of a bitch!" I yelled. I didn't care who heard me. I slammed my fist in the table, making the rest of the team flinch, and stormed out the room.

  I needed a break. A break from all of this. All the stress. All the psychos. I hated this.  I needed something to distract myself right now, so I decided to call Max.  We've been together for 6 months now. She's one of the inky things that makes me happy besides my team.

   "Hey there."
   "Hey max, how are you?"
"I'm doing really good actually. How about you? How's the case going?"
"It's definitely going." I said chuckling, hiding what was really going on.
"Well, when you get back, I have some news for you." She said. I was kind of scared.
"Well, I can't wait to hear it."
"I can't wait to tell you, I love you Spencer."
"I love you to-"
Then, I felt a back bang out the back of my head, making everything go black.

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