Chapter 13: The Party (Pt 2)

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She leaned over the wall, taking deep breaths as she stared at the shining cityscape before her, along with the dark rectangle of Central Park. She couldn't even admire it properly because of Graham and his rash stupidity.

She felt a hand on her back and realized that he'd followed her. "Come on, Cress, you'll be okay. I just didn't want Kath out front with me. I hate being that close to her."

"But why? She can read music, at least, and she must know the piece." Cressida turned to Graham, still furious. She wouldn't want to get up in front of people and do absolutely nothing, let alone something so important, so crucial to his performance of the piece.

"Besides," he continued, "I pretty much know the piece, having the music there is just for insurance."

Oh my god.

"You have to do it now," he said. "I already told her you would."

"So what? Tell her you changed your mind. Tell her I died. Tell her anything—"

"Please, Cress." Graham's voice was quiet. "I'd feel so much better if you were there with me, not her. Please?"

Cressida looked at him, exasperated.

He put a hand on her arm. "Please," he repeated.

Cressida swallowed, then finally nodded. "Fine. But it's not my fault if I screw it up and therefore make you screw up, okay?"

Graham smiled, brown eyes shining in the near darkness of the terrace. "All of the glory but none of the responsibility," he promised. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, sweet Cress." He remained where he was after he kissed her, his face hovering near hers.

"I've found you," said a voice from the French doors.

It was Katherine.

"The piano's all set up, if you want to warm up," she informed him. The music for the Beethoven's sitting out."

Great, thought Cressida, at least they could practice her page turning.

"Cress, you can stay with me," Katherine said imperiously. "Graham likes solitude when preparing, don't you, darling?"

And Graham was gone, off to "prepare," leaving Cressida with Katherine.

"Come along, then," she said, gesturing toward the bar. "Would you like a drink? You look like you could use one."

Wordlessly, Cressida cozied up to the bar.

"Same as before?" the nice bartender asked her.

Cressida nodded, and he placed her drink in front of her with a flourish.

"Goodness, straight for the hard stuff," Katherine noted with a slight smile. "One might think you were nervous about turning over for Graham."

Cressida looked at her. "No, I'm fine," she answered, downing the whiskey in one gulp again. She tapped the bar for another drink.

The bartender poured her another while looking at her carefully. He obviously wanted to say something, but perhaps Katherine's presence was stopping him. This time, instead of throwing it down her throat like a shot, she carried it with her as she turned to survey the room.

"Good thinking," Katherine said from her side. "You're so tiny, you could get plastered so easily."

"I'm fine," Cressida assured her.

"So, are you and Graham dating?"

Cressida wasn't sure what to say. It was obvious that Graham was trying to create a picture of them as a couple, but she didn't want to lie, either. She settled for a shrug and a noncommittal smile.

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