Chapter 2

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When I finally touched the solid ground beneath my feet, I let out the stressed air from my lungs, which I held back for the rest of the flight without realizing it.

God, I'm in Dubai. I still didn't get it. I had no idea if I should laugh or cry. I haven't been any wiser since our last interview and my situation has remained the same. Actually no, I was worse mentally and I'm not even talking about my nails. I almost bit them all to the bone, for which I really scolded myself.

Edwin completely ignored me and acted like I wasn't even here. He did not make the slightest effort to inform me whether he had already taken any first steps regarding my bleak situation, or whether he had at least tried to contact his overpriced lawyer, or whether he had come up with some reasonable starting point, because I was in addition to the curse. she could do nothing. In a word, I was completely dependent on this Edwin, to whom I slowly couldn't even come up with a name. After all, he didn't even tell me his last name, because he didn't consider it necessary, just as he didn't consider it necessary to even tell me what it looked like with me.

"Are you all right?" He asked me curtly, but his voice didn't sound close to me, as if he were worried about my permission to enter the country or how I felt. On the contrary. When I raised my head because it was at least a good twenty inches taller than me, I saw unconcealed amusement in his eyes. Which, of course, bothered me, because I felt that he was really indifferent to my suffering. All he was interested in was getting out of this mess with a clean shield.

"As far as I can," I replied, not escaping as one corner rose in half a smile. I longed so much to glue his ear until I took a step back because my hand was already tearing.

Although I was the type of person who rather suffered quietly and preferred to avoid quarrels and conflicts, I could also whiten my teeth when necessary, so I was determined not to make anything easier for him, and if the situation required it, I would kill him. How to really beat and use your both left hands and feet. Unfortunately, I did not excel in any sport and I avoided it like hell in holy water. If that happened, I also knew a better way to get extra sweat out of myself.

He didn't say a word to me anymore, he didn't even look at me, and all the time he spoke fluent English to three other men waiting for him at the airport. I didn't even have a pair of things to talk about, as my English was freezing, but for that I had a chance to take a closer look - straight pucks on my pants, neatly ironed white shirts, polished black low shoes, carefully combed hair and I swear to God, not a single hair stood crooked for him. His skin was also no worse and showed good and regular care. She even looked better than mine, which made me suspect that something might be wrong with him. His head was probably in place, but his orientation could probably be discussed.

Fortunately, we were alone in the car on the way to the hotel. Not that the atmosphere between us miraculously improved, but at least I didn't have to smile and pretend to understand what it was all about when the opposite was true.

The suffocating silence in the car finally ended the ringing of his cell phone, and from the little I could catch, I realized that he was Edwin's mentioned lawyer, because they were talking about my visas and my copy of my passport. Which pleased me immensely, because it meant that we at least moved forward with a snail's step. Edwin got me a small plus, even though I didn't want to admit it, because he still had to send him information about me from the plane and a copy of my passport. Immediately a smile crossed my face and my annoyed mood moved two degrees toward the good. I was saved.

I listened intently to their conversation, in fact, only one-word answers from Edwin, because I did not hear what the lawyer was interpreting, and Edwin did not want to give me that joy. He replied evasively, as if the subject did not directly concern me. Idiot one, I was foaming in my mind.

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