Chapter 3

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For the first three days, I spent my involuntary captivity completely unharmed and without gray hair. My plan to avoid Edwin was not as difficult as I had feared in the end, because he must have tried to avoid me much more than I did. Thank goodness.

He got up quite early each morning while I was just rolling over on my other side, and also, when he was returning from work late at night, I was already laying on my duvets. Theoretically, I only went here to wash, change clothes and sleep. Which, of course, suited me perfectly, because I had this whole mini paradise just for myself and for free. Although I could sunbathe all day without and no one would disturb me.

Edwin also gave me one of the chip cards without much haggling, so I was free to roam the area and visit the local bazaars where it really lived.

I had a bit of a misleading idea about Dubai. I thought it was one of the most modern metropolises in the world, with the tallest and most luxurious hotels and buildings, some of which look like copies of some famous sci-fi movies, but this idea only lasted until I discovered the old quarter, in which the locals have so far preserved their traditional Arab traditions, which literally enchanted me.

In their streets, surrounded by cultural monuments, I came across markets full of noise, colors and a bunch of exotic scents. One such place was the gold market. To my dumb amazement, I walked among the glittering jewelry stalls, but also through other precious precious metal objects. Traders exhibited not only gold, but also gems, silver and platinum. Even though I didn't plan on buying anything, I just couldn't resist having to look at these gems. I have never seen so much gold in one place, and I strongly doubted that I would ever succeed again.

And that also decided my dilemma, which I experienced every night when I was showing the events of the day before in bed again before going to bed. To buy or not to buy something small as a souvenir? Buy!

After all, in a few years, only this one thing I would buy now will remind me of the experience of this magnificent city. Surely my house will be covered in dust somewhere in the corner, I didn't believe it for a second, because maybe I was anything but just an orderly person. But automatically, if the mentioned thing caught my eye, I would remember where I brought it from.

The very next day, when I became entangled with the visitors of the market again, I carefully inspected the countless shelves with huge and massive necklaces, rows of earrings, rings and bracelets and tried to choose something. The choice was so huge that it was not easy for me at all. One pieces were simple, others decorated with colored stones or the more expensive ones with diamonds.

After a long decision, I finally chose a simple bracelet, on which I had my name and date engraved directly on the market by a skilled craftsman, which would forever remind me of this infamous trip.

A little further on, I came across another market, but this time with spices, which also could not be overlooked. From now on, various intoxicating scents spread from it. Here, in contrast to the gold market, there were more women than men. Arabic, Indian and other exotic spices, herbs, dried fruits and nuts were displayed in various straw but also wicker baskets or other containers. There were also many chefs who prepared all kinds of dishes from these spices and offered them for tasting.

But even so, I was most fascinated by the fabric market. It was as if the tales of a thousand and one nights miraculously come to life. The color and variety of the Orient was felt at every turn. Wherever my eye landed, I saw beautiful colorful fabrics, rugs, or pillows. For the first time, I felt pure raw silk, cashmere or cotton between my thumbs. Some fabrics were hand-painted or embroidered with beautiful color patterns, but my attention was drawn mainly to their traditional Arabic clothes made of translucent fabrics with glittering sequins or decorated with precious stones. And those amazing shoes! One pointed, the other round and with colored beads, took my breath away.

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