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"Will you train with me, Jackson?" Damian spat out like venom.

I looked up from my spot on the couch in the home room. I had been watching some mystery with Tim when Damian came stomping in. "What are you training for?"

"To keep my skills sharp." Damian replied shortly.

"Sure?" I had no idea what I was walking into but it couldn't be that bad. He was only ten and was probably some karate belt test.

"Damian, don't. Just because you don't want to have a babysitter, doesn't mean you have to try and kill her on her first day." Tim looked up at us. His dark under eyes were blue and very prominent.

"Yeah," I agree, " at last wait a week."

"Tch. I have no idea what you mean, Drake." He crossed his arms. "Come now, Jackson. I would like to train."

I looked at Tim for answers but he just sighed and followed Damian. Walking out I quickly jogged to catch up with them. We walk down a few hallways and into a room with a bunch of gym equipment. Both weightlifting and gymnastics. There were a few sparring mats and a door outside that led to more acrobatics and regular sports. Damian walked over to the cabinet and opened it up. There were many swords, daggers and other weapons it the cabinet.

"I wanna ask, but I'm scared of the answer." I stated honestly.
"Bruce wants us to be prepared. You never know in Gotham." Tim answered then sat on one of the benches against the wall, "Go easy on her, Dami. She's probably never held a sword before-no offense."

My lips pressed themselves into a thin line, then my eyebrows dropped. "It looks like I've never held a sword?"

"I said no offense." Tim shrugged. "I mean, have you?"

"A little bit. My favorite teacher was the coolest mythology teacher and he let us play around." I shrugged then took the sword Damian gave me. It wasn't balanced in my hand and the sword was a bit too heavy for me. It looked like a katana with the long, thin blade with only one edge.

"That doesn't sound safe." Tim made himself comfortable on the bench.

I ignored him, then showed Damian my grip. "Like this?"

Damian inspected my grip, " Tch. It's okay."

I pressed my lips again and nodded. I tried to get accustomed to the new grip, while I got into a sword stance. The one I used before I knew what I was doing. I looked at my grip once again but felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I quickly dodged the oncoming attack. Skidding quickly out of the way, leaning away from the blade. "Dude, what the hel-heck. What the heck."

"Don't worry, he's heard worse." Tim offered from the side line.

Damian charged again, making no noise as he ran. I tried to put myself in a mindset of not knowing what to do and turn my senses off. Quickly putting the katana up, I blocked the blow. Damian kept coming at me, using basic moves, probably going easy on me. I didn't play anything but defense.

The battle finally ended when Damian hit the blade out of my hand. I didn't even try to keep a hold on the sword. I sighed then looked at the katana on the ground, sarcastically. "Wow."

"Anyway, who wants to watch Nemo?" I suggest.

Tim gets up from his seat. "I do."

"Come on, Jackson. Tch, don't tell me your scared." Damian taunts.

I stopped halfway to the door and turned around. Tim looked in from the door, I scale Damian by looking him up and down. "Dude, I literally thought you were seven when I met you. You look like a kid."

"Tch. That is no way to treat someone that can cost you your job." Damian crosses his arms.

I look at Tim to see him trying not to laugh. "Tim likes me, right?"

"Yeah, your the best." Tim stopped halfway through to let out a chuckle.

"You've know her for a day. Your opinion doesn't mean anything." Damian growls.

"Then neither does your." Tim taunts.

Damian growls again and runs at Tim. While he passes me, I grab Damian's arm and swing him around into my chest. I pick him up and put him over my shoulder. He kicks my stomach and punches my back. "Let me down, Jackson!"

"No. We're gonna go watch Nemo, like well behaved children." I argue. Then walk out while Tim follows, laughing.

On the way there, we run into Dick who was walking through the intersection of two hallways, "Hey, I'm gonna go back to Blud- what are you doing?"

"Going to watch Nemo." Tim answers shortly.

Damian stops fussing and lifts my arm away from my side, "Grayson, help me."

Dick smiles, slips out his phone and takes a picture. He sucks in a sharp breathe and shrugged, "Sorry, little bro, I'm gonna be late for work. Good luck with your first day, Percy. Behave, Damian. And, Tim,"

"Yeah," Tim answers.

"Keep Damian in line. We don't want Percy quitting on her first day." Dick flashes me a smile and continues walking.

"He seems nice." I state.

"He's a dick." Muttered Damian.

"Don't be salty." I whined.
After we had finished Nemo, we migrated into the Air-Hocky table. Damian was determined to beat me while Tim typed on his phone. "So, Tim, what do you do for fun?"

"I like programming and hacking-of course, I don't hack anything I'm not supposed to." Tim smiled a bit.

"And, I'm supposed to believe that." I offered in a taunting manner with a smirk.

Damian pulled the left side of his lip up into a curl of disgust as I scored another point. I had lost count but Damian was obviously new to electronic's and anything that wasn't a sword so it was pretty easy to score on him but he was getting better and better with every shot.

"That's basically all I do." Tim shrugs.

"You don't go to parties? You seem like the guy who would be invited to a lot of parties." I quickly shot the puck to Damian's side of the table but he blocked the goal. "Damn-dang it."

"You can cuss, Jackson. You will be when I beat your ass." Damian sneered.

"Whoah. Your eight. Are you allowed to say those words?" I asked. Losing my focus for one second.

Damian hit the puck. Making it go into my goal, " I'm ten. And yes, yes I am."

1107 words


Dang, I fixed my phone so that's kinda why I didn't update sooner, cuz it was broken...

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