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I sat on Damian's bed waiting for him to wake up. I had just woken up and immediately wanted to go back to bed. I hadn't slept well since I was making sure Damian was sleeping peacefully. He seemed really stressed out and I just wanted him to get a good nights rest at least every once and a while.

It made me wonder what my life would have been like had my parents not died in the car accident. I don't even remember the last time I visited their grave. Did that make me a horrible child? I shifted uncomfortably before gently moving Damian off me. After making sure he wasn't going to wake up, I got up from the bed. Quickly going to my room, I got changed into a new pair of clothes and slipped on my shoes. I piled an extra pair of clothes into a bag along with drachmas, nectar, a couple granola bars and my wallet incase I run into mortal problems.

I quickly write a note saying I'll be back soon. Slinging the backpack on, I walk out of my guest room.

"Going somewhere?" Jason asked.

"I'm going for a walk." I lie. Technically.

"What's with the backpack?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm getting antsy just sitting. The backpack is incase I lose track of time." I scratch the back of my next. That wasn't a lie at at. I planned on waking around a bit after I was done.

"I'll come with you." Jason stepped forward. "You don't know Gotham as well I do."

"But I'll still be fine." I rolled my eyes. "Plus I'm not staying in Gotham, I'm gonna go home for a couple hours."


I shook my head. "No, Manhattan."

"I can give you a ride." Jason stepped forward.

"I'll be back for dinner. Or lunch tomorrow. But I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."

I quickly walked away, passing Alfred, who was on his way to start breakfast. "I trust that you will be careful?"

"Of course, Alfred. Do you have that little faith in me?" I smiled.

"No. I have no faith in humanity." Alfred shook his head and carried on with his cooking.

I quicken my pace before Jason could come and stop me. Immediately calling Black Jack as soon as I got out the gates. I let my thoughts wonder as he flew.

"Hey, Mom! I'm home!" I yelled through the house.

"Percy!" Estelle screamed in joy.

"Sea star!" I smiled and picked up Estelle and stun around. "How are you?"

"I drew something for you!" Estelle's eyes were wide and excited. She threw her arms up in the air before wrapping them around my neck.

"You did? Did Mom put it up on the fridge?" I gush.

"Mhm." Estelle nodded furiously before squirming to get down.

I set her down and she let me to the fridge to point to a mess of pink scribbles, somewhat resembling a star, surrounded by blue scribbles. "It's so good! I love it!"

She took it off the fridge and handed it to me. I squat down and hug her once more. "So where's Mom?"

"Percy!" Speak of the devil. Not that she's the devil, quite the opposite.

I spin around, jumping up. "Mom!"

She steps forward to hug me. I squeeze her tight almost in fear of her disappearing. It's been a while since I've seen her since I was helping with camp construction. She pulled her hands away and cupped my face and looked me over. "How have you been? Taking care of yourself, I hope."

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