Chapter 4

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I stood back, proudly admiring the work I had so beautifully completed in under three hours

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I stood back, proudly admiring the work I had so beautifully completed in under three hours. If you ask me, that's a record right there.

''Congrats, you only spent the whole day scrubbing toilets!'' Hunter dragged out from behind me. Trust him to fuck my mood up in an instant...

Rolling my eyes, I spun around on the cursed rollerskates that I was forced to wear all day long, ''At least I did it, Smartass''.

''True'' He nodded, making his way inside the restroom. His eyes scanned every inch, judging everything he laid his eyes on. I groaned, growing impatient. ''Looks...okay to me'' He shrugged finally, making my blood boil.

''Okay? Just...okay?! '' I shrieked, way beyond being offended.

''What did you want to hear from me? Congrats you did what you were asked to do, for the first time? Or maybe, you want a medal for doing your fucking job?'' He scoffed, growing pissed off.

''You haven't changed one bit, have you? Still the inconsiderate, ugly, cocky, self-obsessed, bitch-ass you always were!'' I spat, picking up all the cleaning supplies I used to clean the restroom, in a fit of pure rage.

''Everything, minus the ugly part'' He smirked, liking the way he could anger me so easily. Did he get a kick out of pissing me off? Is it his weird-ass kink or something?!

''I'd argue that'' I muttered, stuffing every spray bottle into the hidden cabinet with as much attitude as I could muster. The audacity he had to act this way after I poured my heart and soul into this fucking restroom. I bet no one has scrubbed this shithole as well as I did.

''15-year-old-you wouldn't argue that...'' He sang with a knowing look, fully aware that he would hit a nerve by saying that.

I shut the cabinet by slamming it as hard as I could, completely ignoring him. There was no point in telling him he was wrong because he knew that he was right about that. I think everyone knew he was right about that.

''Oh, come on, you can't be offended by that! It's just the truth'' He laughed lightly, leaning against the doorframe.

''And you can't be a bad person with absolutely no sex appeal, eh? Oh, wait, you are a bad person without sex appeal!'' I smiled back, mocking his tone to the smallest detail. ''Miracles happen, Hawthorne. Maybe not in your case, though. But keep dreaming, Bud!''

''You're wrong about the sex appeal, and you know it'' He tilted his head to the side, watching me with his intense brown eyes.

''Oh, am I?'' I put a finger to my chin, pretending to think. ''You know what? You're right. Disrespectful losers are so in this season. You'll sell fast, for sure! Good thing there's always a chance to return your ass, though''

''Not if you lose the receipt'' He grinned, displaying his perfect white teeth.

''Good thing I never do'' I grinned right back, gritting my teeth. 

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