Chapter 5

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''Hey, are you done with the dishes yet? We've got a table waiting to order and all my waitresses are busy'' Hunter emerged into the kitchen, phone pressed to his ear

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''Hey, are you done with the dishes yet? We've got a table waiting to order and all my waitresses are busy'' Hunter emerged into the kitchen, phone pressed to his ear.

I glared at him, soaked with soapy water. ''Do I look done?'' I seethed.

''Mentally? Yeah, you do'' He smirked, putting his phone away.

''You're right about that one!'' I muttered before turning back to the dishes. ''Why am I the only one here, anyway? Where the hell is Becky?! And why the hell do you not have a dishwasher in this place?! I get that it's a retro-themed diner, but that doesn't mean your kitchen has to be retro too!'' I ranted.

''Okay, smartass, I'll get a dishwasher. And then two people will lose their jobs and won't be able to feed their families. Sound good?'' He deadpanned.

''You mean to tell me, that someone actually does this all day long?'' I scoffed, not buying it.

''Yes. Two people. Two lovely ladies do this every day, all day long. So quit whining. You'll meet them later on, they're just running a little late'' He nodded.

''I'll make a mental note to never come early again'' I muttered.

''Okay, but if you're ever late, you'll get extra hours!'' He smirked watching me as I scrubbed the nasty, filthy, greasy dishes.

''Okay, Mr.Boss, when Oprah said 'You get one! And youuu get one!' she didn't mean extra hours. She meant cars and shit!'' I rolled my eyes, dropping a plate back into the pool of water that formed in the huge sink.

''Never was a fan of Oprah'' He clicked his tongue before walking off. I glared after him as I picked up the same plate I had dropped. ''Oh, and,'' He appeared again with a smug look. ''Pull the plug out, unless you want to go for a swim'' He winked before disappearing again.

I groaned loudly but pulled the damn plug out anyway. Sure enough, the water started disappearing down the drain along with my will to live. I watched it with a frown on my face. How am I supposed to survive this hell for a whole summer?

''Hey, Scarlett!'' Becky's voice pulled me out of my mini-depression.

''Oh, hey!'' I greeted her, immediately noticing her cute, yellow sundress. ''You look so pretty!'' I complimented her, liking the blush that rushed to her cheeks.

''No flirting at work!'' Hunter's voice barged into my life like a huge-ass truck, once again.

I rolled my eyes, ''You're just jealous I'll never say that to you!''.

''Yeah, right, because I really want you to tell me I'm pretty!'' He scoffed sarcastically, before letting out a bark of obnoxious laughter.

''You guys know each other, huh?'' Becky asked with raised eyebrows.

''I guess,'' I muttered with a sour face. ''Sadly''

''He's never like this at work, that's how I know'' She continued with a small smile, her black eyes eyeing my chest. ''He's always moody and serious and barely shows up here. You know, since he has so many businesses and stuff...he prioritizes them over the diner'' She explained.

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