Chapter 10

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"Chop, chop" Hunter hissed at all of us before storming out of the kitchen

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"Chop, chop" Hunter hissed at all of us before storming out of the kitchen.

''Jesus...'' I muttered under my breath as all of my colleagues got to work at the speed of lightning. It never failed to amaze me, how all these people were so terrified of Hunter. Hunter fucking Hawthorne. Like, who the hell would be scared of him?!

''By the way, guys, I heard Becky was fired. Does anyone know why?'' One of them spoke up, making me freeze for a second. ''Who's shift was it?'' He asked some more.

''Um, it was my shift'' I gulped, deciding to speak up. Way to keep your mouth shut...

''Oh, new girl!'' He grinned, making his way to me. ''Care to tell us what happened? She was one of the few hardcore workers here. I mean, she was always on time, never complained, did her job well...I just can't even come up with a scenario that would make Boss fire her''

If you count fucking the new employee in the locker room as a valid scenario to get you fired...

I cleared my throat, preparing for a coherent answer. ''I'm not sure, actually. We finished our shift and, you know, we were in the locker room changing like usual, then I went out for a smoke before leaving...'' I began my string of lies, clearing my throat once more. ''Next thing I know, Hunt- uh- Boss tells me he fired her''

He looked as if he were thinking really hard about what I said before he finally spoke again, ''That's so weird. And when I asked her what happened she seemed so embarrassed. I wonder if it was something between her and the Boss. You know, those things happen a lot...''.

I refrained from choking on my own spit, ''Oh, yeah, they sure do. Which is like...super gross!''.

''Definitely'' Multiple people agreed.


Way to feel welcome...

''By the way, I never got your name'' The guy smiled, towering over me like a skinny skyscraper. ''I'm Greg if you're wondering'' He added with a sleazy smirk.

I wasn't wondering, but okay.

Oh, and Dear God...not that name.

Why are all Gregs constantly showing up in my life unexpectedly? They're like a damn rash on a winter's day. Like, why are you here?! Aren't you supposed to be like, a seasonal thing? Never mind, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Point is, I don't like Gregs.

''I'm Scarlett, Scar for short'' I shrugged, trying to show that I wasn't interested at all.

''That's a cool nickname'' He nodded, desperately trying to make conversation over nothing. ''Reminds me of that evil lion brother in Lion King, you remember him?''

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