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As Jarim stepped off of the Royal Jet, she relished the warm, refreshing breeze that played against her dark locks.

They were in Italy for their honeymoon and despite the fact that Hyunjin had barely talked to her since they'd got on the plane, Jarim was excited.

She had never flown to another country before, far more preoccupied with her studies as well as other things, and she'd always wanted to travel at least somewhere out of South Korea.

There was also the matter that Hyunjin and her weren't alone.

In fact, seven other boys had come with the married couple, and they too stepped out of the jet, some squinting at the vivid sunlight. 

"Bonjour, Italy!" Minho threw his arms open as Felix snorted.

"'Bonjour' is French, hyung,"

"Then, Hola Italy!"

"'Hola is Spanish," Seungmin muttered as he and the rest of the group piled into a limousine waiting for the party.

Minho rolled his eyes. "I can say whatever I like, puppy-boy,"

"For clarification," Chan interjected before Seungmin could retort a savage reply and possibly be killed by Minho. "It's Ciao,"

"Who cares?" Jisung smirked. "As long as I can pick up some hot, Italian chicks, then I'm good,"

"Is that really all you care about?" Jeongin asked the older boy earnestly. "The 'hot, Italian chicks?"

"Guarantee that you won't get a single girl," Changbin smiled smugly. "They'll be coming after me, instead,"

"Yeah," Jarim mumbled to herself. "Don't think Sora would be too pleased,"

The luxury car rolled smoothly on the road, passing lush green fields, the sun shining happily upon the crops that were growing. 

They had booked a luxury villa in Tuscany, and as the vehicle cruised past the gates, all of them, excluding Hyunjin, gasped.

It was a three-floored mansion, its bricks painted with a light magnolia and other exterior details brushed with a soft brown. The wooden door had sunlight bouncing off its hinges and as the party exited the car, they couldn't help but look in wonder.

"T-this is your villa?" Jarim asked to the Prince, who pulled out a key from his pocket.

"It belongs to the Royal Family," He answered, unlocking the door as the group piled in, leaving a few attendants to retrieve their bags. "My grandparents bought it around thirty years ago?"

"It's gorgeous," Felix murmered as they all nodded in agreement. 

There was an indoor waterfall as they approached the entrance lobby, and both Seungmin and Changbin raced towards the windows, admiring the stunning view of a brilliant blue sky, and farmer's fields.

On the walls hung various pictures, and as Jarim examined them, she realised with a jolt that they were photos of Hyunjin when he was young. One displayed the blond with black hair, thick lips upturned into a smile as he sat on his grandmother's lap. She recognised Yeji, her cat-like eyes sparkling with pure bliss as she too smiled for the camera, on her grandfather's lap.

"I dibs the third bedroom!" Jisung stormed back downstairs, already having taken a look at the eight chambers that had been on offer.

"There are eight rooms," Hyunjin explained. "Who wants what?"

"Well, it means someone's going to have to share," Jeongin pointed out. "There are nine of us,"

"Then, it makes sense for Hyunjin and Jarim to share," Minho suggested. "They're literally married,"

Jarim glanced towards Hyunjin whose expression remained neutral as though saying "I don't care,".

"I don't mind," Jarim averted her eyes from her husband. "I'll share,"

"Then, we'll take the Queen room," Hyunjin marched up the stairs, the rest of them following in suit, discussing the rooms they wanted.


The wardrobe door shut quietly as Jarim placed the last of her dresses in the closet, content at the organised pile of clothes. 

The rest of the boys had chosen to sort their possessions later, insisting that they go to the pool to refresh themselves. Hyunjin had also joined them, and the girl was surprised at how much his personality changed when he was around them.

From what she could see, he was more open and energetic with the boys, his voice wasn't as cold as it was when he was with her, and he was particularly soft with Jeongin.

Jarim's heart sunk slightly.

Despite her attempts to care for the boy, he had pushed her to the side, not wanting her help or attention.

After all, this was a marriage that was only for the crown.

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