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"I see you and Hyunjin hyung are back to being on good terms again," Jeongin commented as the two Yang siblings stepped foot into the grand library.

The brother and sister had decided to wander around the palace, and Jarim's feet had automatically taken her to her favourite room inside, the chamber that housed hundreds, if not thousands, of books!

Hyunjin was busy with his documents and files, and Jarim herself had returned from a meeting alongside her mother-in-law, discussing the plan for the coronation, which was less than a month away.

"Yeah," The older girl smiled as she felt giddy inside, purely at the mention of Hyunjin's name. "We made up,"

Jeongin glanced at his older sister whose expression was carefree, as though she didn't care at all that she was showing how much she liked Hyunjin.

"Noona, Hyunjin hyung," Jeongin paused, trying to find the right words to say. "He's a good person, noona, it's just that he finds it hard to be social with most people. He could give a bunch of orders to dignitaries and important people, but if you asked him to attend a birthday party, he'd panic,"

"He panics at birthday parties?"

"Felix hyung asked him to go with him to one of his friends' birthday parties, and hyung told me that Hyunjin hyung was so awkward ,"

"I mean, I would be kind of awkward too if I didn't know the person,"

Jeongin snorted. "Noona, it was one of Hyunjin hyung's friends back in their dance club,"

"Hyunjin went to dance club?" Jarim's ears perked up at the Prince's extra curricular activity.

Her younger brother hummed. "Him, Felix hyung and Minho hyung all did dance. Hyunjin hyung also knows how to rap as well,"

The girl was rather surprised. She had never expected the Prince to dance or rap, although, she supposed that with a silhouette like his as well as his honey-like voice, Hyunjin would be able to dance and rap exceptionally well.


"I heard the two of you made up," Yeji crossed her legs, not even glancing up as she flicked through the magazine, the one that had her photo on it. "When did I do this shoot?"

"Yes we made up, and you did that shoot whilst you were in Hong Kong," Hyunjin reminded the female Hwang who let out a sigh of recognition.

"So, how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"I mean, how does it feel to be back on good terms with your wife?"

Hyunjin was silent for a minute as he tried to think of words that could describe his euphoria.

"Good," He finally said as Yeji raised an eyebrow.

"Just 'good'?"

"Amazing, incredible and everything else in between," The Prince threw his hands in the air. "I'm just - glad that we're talking again,"

Yeji hummed, and as she smiled smugly at the article displaying the Princess in a blood red gown designed by Prada, Hyunjin blurted out "She hugged me!"


"Jarim, she... hugged me,"

Yeji finally looked up at her cousin, a small smile playing on her face. "And, how did you feel?"

Hyunjin hesitated. "Happy," He said softly. "Really happy,"

Yeji chuckled at the older Hwang's words. It reminded her when they had been younger, both too innocent as they expressed their emotions so openly in the midst of everyone.

"Did you hug her or- "

"No, she just hugged me," Hyunjin's mind returned to the embrace that he and his wife had shared the previous day, the way that her hair tickled his chin, or how her form fit perfectly in his arms and how she felt so warm.

He wanted more.


A yawn filled the bedroom as Jarim stretched her arms, frowning at the piece of paper in front of her. 

Miss Oh had set her homework, and whilst it wasn't particularly difficult, the girl reckoned that she shouldn't have left it so late.

She was sat in a pair of fluffy pyjamas, protecting her from the light wind that blew in. Jarim's dark hair had been bundled into a plait and the girl rubbed her eyes, deciding that she would do the assignment the next day.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing the Prince who directed a small smile towards Jarim who returned the expression.

"What are you doing?" He asked, leaning over her form to try and make sense of the paper in front of him.

"Engineering homework," She grinned as Hyunjin looked in confusion at the various calculations scribbled on the document.

"I have no clue what that says, but it's getting late," Not quite meeting her eyes he mumbled. "Do you - do you want to sleep?"

With her heart practically melting, Jarim nodded, softly, and the boy disappeared into the bathroom with a pair of pyjamas to get changed

When he had come back, Jarim had already buried herself under the covers, hugging the blankets tightly.

Hyunjin switched the lights off, immersing the room into darkness and he too slipped into the bed, submerging himself in the warmth of the duvet.

"C-can you hold my hand? Just for a little bit?" He asked, and to his astonishment, Jarim gently took his hand, squeezing it lightly.

As the minutes ticked by, the two fell asleep faster than they thought, both at peace in each others arms.

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