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English will be in Italics

"Are we nearly there yet?" Changbin whined as Seungmin rolled his eyes, the younger focused on taking pictures of the relaxing setting around them.

The group of nine were headed towards the Fantoni family's vineyard, having split into a group of two cars which would follow each other. 

Chan and Changbin had split, the younger of the boys taking the responsibility of guarding the Prince and his wife, whilst Chan had offered to drive the rest of the boys.

Jarim was in the passenger seat, watching as they passed fresh green fields, Hyunjin driving in the seat next to her. In the middle row, Changbin, Seungmin and Felix were bickering, desperate to stretch their legs and test the wine that had been promised.

"Look! We're here!" Felix suddenly yelled, pointing towards an ancient-looking building, the two cars pulling into the driveway.

As Jarim stepped out of the SUV, her eyes were bright as she stared at the immense winery that stood, towering before her. 

"Woah!" Minho glanced up towards the highest point of the building, having left Chan's car, looking impressed. "How long has this place been standing?"

"Nearly 124 years," Hyunjin answered, proudly. "But my family bought it around thirty years ago?"

"So this whole place belongs to the Royal Family?" Jarim gestured to the old structure in shock.

"Yup," The blond responded. "The villa we're staying at belongs to us, too. Now, let's go in,"

Still feeling rather stunned, Jarim followed the boys into the time-worn establishment, and Hyunjin greeted the Italian man that stood to welcome them.

"Everyone, this is Luca," The Prince introduced. "He's the grandson of the owners of the Fantoni Vineyard. He's going to be showing us around,"

Luca was a handsome young man with sandy-blond hair that fell into his sparkling eyes, nodding towards the party.

"You have a very pretty wife, Hyunjin," Luca's gaze settled upon Jarim, who had no clue what the man had said.

"I know," Hyunjin replied with a slightly tight smile. "Now, please do show the lot around,"

"With pleasure," Luca smirked at the Prince's tense figure as he began to speak, Jarim only understanding a few words, but it was much easier when Luca had shown them the processes the wine went through.

From grapes to intoxicating liquor.

"Over here, we have the fermenting process," Luca directed the group to a small room with a series of machines. "This part is the only part where we use modern technology. We often use cultured yeast to predict the final outcome as well as ensure consistency,"

The tour went on for around an hour, the grandson of the Fantoni family explaning with detail the process of making wine, with a few inputs from Hyunjin.

Jarim was surprised as the boy confirmed a few facts with Luca, asking about how well the grapes were growing this year, and if they were still supplying to the village. It seemed that Hyunjin knew quite a lot about making liquor, and it made Jarim happy to see him so relaxed.

"Now, for the taste test," Luca grinned, pulling out a bottle. "This one has been aged for twleve years, and we're beginning to sell it this month. What better to have the Royal's taste it first?"

With a smirk, Hyunjin took the bottle from Luca, expertly opening it and pouring the dark liquid into small glasses, passing it around.

"To the married couple," Jisung tipped his head.

"To the married couple!" The rest of boys, excluding Hyunjin and Jarim who were laughing, raised their glasses before downing the drink, relishing the flavour that slipped through their throats.

"Wow," Jeongin blinked. "That was incredible!"

"No more wine for you," Jarim said fiercely, taking the glass much to the younger boy's dismay. "Don't think I don't know about the time you tried 25 different energy drinks, just because neither me or Jinhyuck oppa were around,"

"You what?" Chan screeched. "How come I don't know about this?"

Jeongin laughed nervously as the three oldest of the group scolded the maknae, the rest of the group losing it at the exchange.

"I saw the wedding," Luca said quietly to Hyunjin, watching the group. "Never thought I'd see the 'Playboy' get married,"

"Your behaviour is so - ugh," The Prince muttered. "Besides, that name is so old,"

"It's true, though," Luca sniggered. "You were moving through girls faster than your races- "

"That was in the past," Hyunjin's eyes were concentrated on Jarim, observing the little mole just underneath her left eye. Cute. "I'm married,"

"So, you haven't told her?"

"I will, just not now,"

"The boys know, right?"

"Course they do. It's one of the reasons why Jeongin was so hesitant in letting me wed her,"

Luca simply hummed. "She's a good one, Hyunjin. Take care of her,"

"I will,"

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