Chapter 29

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"No that's too obvious."

"It's fucking genius! You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oi! You're both wrong it needs to be longer!"

"Maddie what do you think?" Liam asked as I walked into the kitchen to see the bickering boys whose hangovers had vanished from time.

"What are you fighting about now?" I grumbled as I walked towards the kitchen table.

"So we have to leave a note at the next place...but so what do you think about it?" Louis said as he held it up not caring to tell me where and what this 'place' was.

"I can't even read it. You call that handwriting?" I said as I walked towards the cupboard.

"Psh. You think you can do better?" Louis retorted at my remark about his handwriting.

"Actually yes. But my talents come at a price because helping criminals is not something I aim to do."

"We can figure this out ourselves then." Louis said as he turned around and they began fighting again.

"Have it your way." I said as I walked out and sat down next to Dawn's kennel. I played with her for a couple of minutes before retreating towards the stairs, but before I could reach them I was picked up from behind and plopped down into a kitchen chair.

"They will never come to a consensus if you don't help." Liam said as the others turned their heads and looked at me.

"What are we bargaining for?" Zayn asked with squinted eyes.

"Take Dawn out every morning and night to go to the bathroom until she's potty trained and I'll help you write your note." I smirked as I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair. The boys turned around and consulted for a bit before tossing me the note at nodding their heads finally realizing they actually needed my help. "First of all this grammar sucks and this looks like chicken scratch." I said as I looked down at the note. "Second of all, I need to know what exactly you want this note to say so I can write it."

"I guess we just wanted it to say something along the lines of there's more to come." Niall said as he pulled out a beer from the fridge.

"How about you can never be too prepared?" I said earning lifted eyebrows and a couple of nods. I skillfully wrote the letter in pristine cursive and handed it back to the boys. "Should've just hired me." I said as I stood up and pushed my chair in.

"Lets go mail this tonight so then we aren't seen." Liam said as he grabbed the keys and the others dispersed into the living room. "And we can pick up some other things..." After the guys left I prepared the dinner I had been longing for. Seeing Harry was still upstairs in his office, I decided I was going to have to feed Dawn myself tonight.

"Where are the lads?" I heard a gruff voice speak from the doorway.

"They went out to mail a letter." I said as I presumed my place at the sink washing my plate. Harry's footsteps got closer and I could feel his presence right behind me, to the point when he touched my waist I jumped in anticipation.

"Skittish tonight are we?" He chuckled into my ear sending shivers through my spine. "Answer me Madeline." He whispered as he gave my side a squeeze making me nod my head. He had this power over me tonight unlike yesterday when he just wanted to cuddle. Right now he was fully in control and I was scared that if I sassed back he'd do something we'd both regret.

"I-I have to go feed Dawn." I said as I picked up the bowl of food from the counter and turned to head into the living room. As I slipped away from Harry, he trailed his hand all the way down my arm until it reached my wrist, which he then grabbed pulling me in and almost making me spill Dawn's food. He brought my knuckles up to his lips before kissing them and setting my hand over his heart.

"People are different on the inside than what they are on the outside." He said as I felt his heart rapidly beating. He then let go of my hand causing me to stand there for a moment staring at him with my mouth slightly parted, before I walked out into the living room with all the possibilities of what that could've meant. Was that his way of apologizing? Warning me to stay away from him or the others? Professing his love once again for me? It confused me so much at how he could go from dominant and sexy to soft and vulnerable.

On The Run ~Criminal Harry Styles~Where stories live. Discover now