Chapter 36

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"What the hell's going on?" Harry asked as he had a confused look on his face and ran towards the cabin pulling me with him.

"Fucking idiots had a tracker on their car all the way up here!" Zayn said as he motioned us through the living room into the kitchen. He pointed to an object on the kitchen table that had the shape of a dragon on it. "Who knows how long they've been following them! They could be here any minute!"

"Start packing. We need to leave now." Harry said as he ran off into the basement. I ran upstairs packing both mine and Harry's bag and came back downstairs as the guys were loading guns. "I put Dawn in the back of the car, now come on." He said as he led me out towards the car and shoved our bags in.

"Stay farther back! We don't know how close they are! Be better to not go at once!" Liam shouted to Luke who was driving the other car. "Everyone in?" I looked around the car to find every boy had a gun on their lap and one in their pocket making me realize this might not be a smooth ride.

"Everything's going to be fine." Harry said as I gave a nervous nod. He grabbed my shoulder making me turn towards him. "I won't let anyone hurt you." He said staring straight into my eyes. I nodded breathing heavily as I turned and put my seat belt on prepared for the worst. Liam began driving through the frozen brush that we had encountered on our way here.

"Road is about here." Zayn said as we approached the end of the woods and not necessarily a road came into view, but more of a flat clearing covered in snow. We drove along it for a couple of minutes before we reached a small town. As we were driving through we saw a car coming straight towards us not lessening on the gas pedal at all.

"Shit! Liam fucking move!" Louis said as Liam tried to swerve the car around. He wasn't fast enough though and our cars collided head-on. I was thrown forward against the seats forcefully as the windows shattered and the airbags deployed.

"Madeline are you ok?!" Harry yelled as he tried to get close to me.

"I-I think I broke my arm." I said as I clutched it with throbbing pain.

"We need to move now! Motion coming from inside the vehicle!" Niall said as the others picked up their guns paying no attention to their injuries.

"Stay in the car." Harry said as he crawled out the window, unable to get the door on his side open. They then started open firing on who I suspected were members of The Dragons. The boys crowded behind the vehicle trying to shield shots as I ducked down to safety. And before you knew it there were police sirens and cop cars surrounding the road. "Fucking people must've called them. C'mon Madeline. We need to go on foot!" Harry said as he pulled me out of the car as we ran towards the woods.

"Harry what about the others?!" I asked as he kept a steady pace.

"They'll find us Madeline we need to get out now for a chance of any of us to get out of this mess." Right as we reached the edge of the woods we were greeted by police officers. Harry's eyes widened as he turned us around to go the other way but was cornered by other police officers.

"Let go of the girl Styles."

On The Run ~Criminal Harry Styles~Where stories live. Discover now