Chapter 53

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I stayed in the room just like Harry asked, until all the guys left to go to a bar. Then I decided that I didn't need to stay in the room anymore considering the fact they weren't there to tell me to.

"But when you're with me! I'll give you a taste! Make it like your birthday every day!" I sang throughout the house finally having some time to myself. It was nice not being told what to do for once. Heck I could even go on the roof if I wanted and nobody could stop me.

After going through all of my rebellious options, I decided making popcorn and watching a movie would suffice. Ever since I got here, the boys programmed the TV to only certain stations so I couldn't watch the news. So I decided I was going to fix that. After going through multiple options, I found the barrier that allowed me freedom. Unfortunately it contained pass code recognition. Punching in the only code I knew (Harry's phone password) it surprising unlocked every channel in a second.

"Fuck yes!" I screamed as I grabbed my bowl of popcorn and settled on the first movie I could find that wasn't in Italian.

About 3 hours later it was already nearing midnight and I didn't want to be up when the boys got home, in case I got in trouble for watching TV. So I retreated to the bedroom and was fast asleep by 12:30.

"Madelineeee...c'mon babe wake up." Were the slurred words I heard as someone placed kisses all across my neck.

"W-what?" I grumbled and turned over to find Harry smirking above me. I looked at the clock which read 4:02 and groaned. Seeing I was awake and confused he took it as his chance to plant his lips on mine barely giving me a chance to breathe. "Harry-I'm tired." I groaned as he pulled away with the smell of alcohol in his breath.

"No babe let's do something...more fun tonight." He said sexily as he massaged my sides and kissed towards my collar bone. As his hands neared my pajama shorts I abruptly grabbed his hands and pushed them into his chest.

"No Harry. I'm not having sex with you." I said fully awake now and aware of where the situation could possibly go.

"Awh you don't want your first time to be now? Why's that?" He slurred licking his lips and trying to kiss me again.

"I'm not losing my virginity to you when you're drunk. Now get off me. I'll sleep on the couch if you can't keep your hands to yourself." I huffed as I crawled out of the bed and walked towards the door.

"You're not sleeping on the couch." He said as he grabbed my wrist.

"Yes I am. Now let go of me." I retaliated pulling my hand away and walking out the door. Harry came rushing out behind me before shoving me up against the wall harshly making me groan as pain spread throughout my back.

"When I fucking tell you to do something, you listen." He said in a menacing tone.

"You fucking tried to rape me!"

"Did I say you could answer me? Don't you dare fucking yell at me!" Harry yelled in my face as he slapped me across the face making tears spring to my eyes.


"You think I give a shit what you think? You're just temporary! You've always been!" He said sinking his nails into my shoulders making me bite down on my lip. "I can have any girl I want and only need them till I get in their pants. You're just the same." He spat while dragging me towards the bedroom.

"No! Stop! I'm not going back in there." I said as I pulled myself back into the hallway.

"You fucking think you get to decide what goes on here hostage?!" He yelled as he kneed me in the gut making me double-over. "I'm in charge!" He said kicking me in the stomach again and then my ribs.

"Y-you don't know w-what you're d-doing!" I croaked out as I fell to the ground.

"Oh I fucking know. I'm getting rid of you like I should have in the jewelry store! You've done nothing but get in the way!" He said as he stomped on my face making my nose bleed and blood come trickling out of my temple.

"P-please stop." I pleaded amazed as to how the boys couldn't hear our yelling from down here.

"Let me get this clear." He said as he picked my head up from the floor and turned it towards him. "You mean nothing to me. You're just a part of my plan. Everything you ever thought we had was fake. Now shut the hell up and deal with it bitch because it's only going to get worse." He said before giving one last punch to my face sending me face-first onto the ground, out cold.


Can I just say that I don't think anyone was expecting that?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just re-read it and holy shit that hits you hard...

Almost over too..

On The Run ~Criminal Harry Styles~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα