Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Aislinn's POV


"Stefan?" I asked, confused as I looked around at my surroundings. "Where am I?"

"What do you remember?" I heard a voice ask as he walked around Stefan. Elijah, I had heard about him and recognized him from descriptions.

I closed my eyes, rubbing my head as I tried to recall. "I was coming to check on Elena... Elena, is she?"

Stefan starred at me for a moment before looking down, "She's dead."

I couldn't tell if he was just saying it because Klaus was there or because it was true. In that moment, I had to push it to the side as Elijah nodded for me to continue. "I wanted to check on Elena when I felt this pain in my body. I saw a wolf before I passed out. His eyes... I recognized them."

Those eyes were in my dreams and in every story I wrote. They were the eyes of the man, Niklaus, that I had met just a few days ago. But how?

"Nice to know I'm remembered," I heard a familiar voice say and looked passed Stefan who moved aside.

"Niklaus?" I asked, confused as he stood there, smirking slightly.

Stefan quickly turned his head to me, surprised to hear the name come out of my mouth. "You know this man?"

"Yeah, I met him at the bar a few nights ago. It felt... different. How do you know him?"

"Aislinn, that's Klaus."

My eyes went wide and I looked at Klaus who nodded, "Hello again, Little Butterfly."

This was Klaus? It couldn't be. Klaus was a vicious, unforgiving monster who wouldn't waste a second on killing someone. The man I met, Niklaus, was none of those things.

I shook my head, looking at Stefan, "No, you can't be right."

"I'm afraid he is," Niklaus said, making me look at him again. He had a dagger like object in his hand and was now standing behind Elijah.

Elijah turned just as Niklaus stabbed him in the heart with it, making me jump and shriek. Stefan looked in shock as did Katherine as Elijah's grey body filled with veins sticking out fell to the ground.

"No worries, he's not dead, just sleeping for a while."

Stefan was right, this is Klaus.

Suddenly, Klaus grabbed Stefan, pinning him to one of the pillars. "Now, what to do with you?" He stuck his hand through Stefan's skin, near his heart. I couldn't help but stand up, my legs shaky.

"No, Klaus, don't!" I yelled, making Klaus stop but keep his hand in Stefan's chest.

Stefan's eyes glanced at me before looking at Klaus, trying to breathe. "I'm here to help Damon. The witches said you had a cure for a werewolf bite. Make me a deal. Just, give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want."

I couldn't believe what I was watching. I couldn't believe that this was the same man I met in the bar a few days ago. And I couldn't believe what I was still feeling.

Klaus paused for a moment, considering something before pulling out and freeing his hand from Stefan's chest. He stepped away from Stefan who fell to his knees, "Truth is, I don't know what I would do with you, like this. You're just shy of useless."

I watched closely as Klaus poured himself a glass of blood. He grabbed a second glass, reaching over and grabbing a large glass container before pouring the liquid in the glass. He turned to me, walking until he was right in front of me.

"My apologies, I'm out of coke. But I'm full on rum," He smirked slightly.

I starred at Klaus before slowly taking the half-full glass. Klaus rose his glass to his lips and I did the same with mine, both of us starring at each other.

Klaus pulled his eyes from mine before crouching down to Stefan. "I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper. Sound familiar?"

"I haven't been that way in a very long time," Stefan said.

Stefan? A ripper? He barley can kill a deer, killing a whole village sounds impossible.

"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town."

Klaus stands, causing Stefan to stand as well.

"Katherine, come here," Klaus said, making me look over at Katherine. She walks over, stopping next to Klaus. He takes his arm and I watch his face change and his eyes turn yellow as he sinks canyon like teeth into her skin.

I watch in shock as Katherine yells and pulls her arm away. Klaus then bites his own wrist before feeding his blood to Katherine. We all watch as the wolf bite on her arm that Klaus just gave her heal in seconds.

"Your blood is the cure," Stefan said as realization hits him.

"Gotta love Mother Nature," Klaus says with a smirk. He walks over, grabbing a knife and sliding the blade over his wrist. He lets the blood pour into a vial as he speaks to Stefan.

"You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade-long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town."

"I'm not like that anymore," Stefan says.

"Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman."

Klaus starts to pour the blood down the drain only for Stefan to stop him, seeming to consider his words.

"Now that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink."

Klaus grabs a few blood bag from the fridge before throwing it along the counter to Stefan. "Finish them. All of them. You do everything I say, and I save your brother. That's the deal."

I want to watch to see if Stefan does it, but my eyes go to Klaus who walks over to Katherine, telling her to take the vial to Damon before giving it to her. She zooms out in vampire speed.

My breath hitches slightly as Klaus makes his way over to me, smiling almost as he stares at me. His eyes move, the same way Damon and Stefan's does when they try to compel me. "As lovely as it was to see you again, Aislinn, you should probable go. You won't want to be here when Stefan drinks all those blood bags."

I don't want to leave Stefan with Klaus. But I uncontrollable set the glass down and start to leave.

Wait, I'm leaving. Klaus compelled me to leave and I'm leaving. No vampire as ever been able to compel me before. Yet here was Klaus doing it as simple as it should be.

Why is Klaus able to compel me and why am I drawn to him so much?

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