Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

My house was almost exactly how I had left it, minus the trash hadn't been taken out, and there was still dishes in the sink.

I got to work cleaning and taking the trash out, wishing I had done some of this before I left. I had been cleaning for a couple of hours before I heard the front door open.

Quickly, I went to the hallway, looking at the front door to find Damon walking in.

"Damon, what are you doing here?"

He looked pissed, walking up to me quickly and grabbing my neck, lifting me up in the air, and pinning me to the wall. My hands started to claw at his, trying to gasp the little air I could.

"Where is Klaus and my brother?"

"I don't know. They dropped me off here."

"What are they planning? I know you know something!"

"I don't," I choked out, trying to gasp for air.

Damon looked pissed and annoyed, "I guess we'll have to figure it out together." Suddenly, my head was slammed against the wall and everything turned black.

Klaus' POV

Rebekah and I walked out of the school, headed to the hospital where the doppelganger was being drained of blood. Her blood was the key to turn my hybrids. Tyler was proof of it.

Stefan's humanity was off and he was ordered to listen to my orders.

Everything was falling into place. Finally.

As Rebekah and I walked towards the hospital, I said to her, "Why don't you get the truck? I'll grab Elena and Aislinn and we can get out of this low-life town."

"You're really attached to that human girl, aren't you?" Rebekah asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Well, she is the reason I will have hybrids."

"I meant Aislinn. You fancy her... Maybe even more."

I rolled my eyes, "Just go get the truck."

Rebekah smirked before heading to get the truck. I rolled my eyes at her comment, hoping she would just drop the subject of Aislinn.

Truthfully, I wondered why I had such a connection to Aislinn as well. This was more than just fancying her. I didn't want to leave her side, and I'd kill anyone who dare harm her.

My thoughts were interrupted when I turned to walk into the hospital, stopping when I saw Damon holding by the neck an unconscious Aislinn. My anger began to boil but I did my best to calm it.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party."

"Where is she?" Damon asked in anger.

I smirked, "Elena? Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause."

Damon turned, ready to head into the hospital only for my words to stop him, "I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate."

"Really?" Damon scuffed before tossing Aislinn onto the ground with a loud thump. My eyes watched her fall and my hands formed into fists. Any smirk I had was long gone and my anger was clear as day on my face now. "I see I hit a nerve," Damon said, glancing at Aislinn.

I vamp-sped over to Damon, grabbing him and pinning him to the cement. "I told your brother I wouldn't kill you. But I also told you if you ever hurt Aislinn I would kill you. Which do I follow?"

"Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?"

My face fell, "What do you know about Mikael?"

"Just that he knows you're here."

I shook my head, smirking through the fear, "You're bluffing."

"Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage."

My hand squeezes on Damon before I throw him into another car. I vamp-speed and pick up Aislinn before leaving. I meet with Rebekah at the truck with an unconscious Aislinn in my arms.

Rebekah looked at me shocked, "What happen?"

"Call Stefan, tell him to stay in town and keep an eye on Elena," I said as I opened the back of the truck and sat Aislinn inside. Her heart was steady, telling me she was alive, just unconscious. Her head moved slightly, making me watch her closely.

Her eyes slowly opened, looking at me, "Niklaus?"

"Don't worry little butterfly, I got you," I mumbled to her, moving her hair out of her face.

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