BONUS CHAPTER *thank you for 1 million reads!!!*

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This chapter take place right after Noah was born while Kennedy was still in the hospital


A light knock echoed through the hospital room before the door creaked open, "Can we come in?" Arden's voice range out.

"Yes, you can," I called back as quiet as possible, sitting up in the bed, adjusting the sleeping baby in my arms while trying not to wake Wyatt, who was laying next to me on the hospital bed sleeping. I watched as Arden and Jess walked into the room together with a bouquet of flowers, a balloon with the words 'baby' written on it, and a gift bag.

"Oh my goodness, he's so cute and chunky," Jess squealed as she came to sit in the chair directly next to my bed. Wyatt stirred next to me in bed, but didn't wake up, rather he just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. Jess noticed him move too, "Sorry."

I smiled, "It's okay, he won't wake up, we had a very long night and he was up the entire time." I brushed some of Wyatt's hair away from his eyes before turning my attention to Noah.

"Did everything go okay?" Arden asked me.

I nodded, "Everything went great. He was born this morning at 1:02am and all of the tests came back normal. They might even let us leave this evening."

"Wow, that's amazing Kennedy," Arden gaped as she gazed down at Noah.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked both of them.

"I would love to Kennedy," Jess smiled, standing up, so I could place him in her arms. She gasped when he was fully in her arms.

"Hi baby Noah, it's your Auntie Jess here, everybody here already loves you so much," She cooed, sitting back down in her chair.

"He has Wyatt's eyes."

Arden smiled, "He's going to be quite the little stunner then, huh? You got all of Mommy's and Daddy's best features."

"I can't wait for everyone else to meet him, Wyatt's parents came earlier and my Mom and Gray have been in and out, but none of Wyatt's sisters have met him yet and I know they are all so excited to finally put a little face to his name," I told my friends as they both continued to stare at Noah.

Both of them only looked up when somebody else opened the door, "Kennedy, they didn't have any cookies, but they had brownies," Grayson announced. He paused when he saw Arden and Jess sitting next to the bed.

"Hey," Grayson smiled, giving Jess a kiss on the cheek, "My nephew is pretty cute, huh?"

"Cuter than you," Jess teased.

He rolled his eyes at her, a smirk appearing on his face, "Any updates on getting out of here?"

"Nope," I sighed. The nurses had basically just told me that they would let me know when I was given the all clear, not when that all clear would most likely be during the day.

"Well, I hope it's soon, hospitals are so stuffy and sterile and boring, I don't know how Mom works here all day," He complained.

"This hospital is the reason why your nephew is here," I reminded him.

"Nah, that was all you and my best friend," He chuckled before walking out of the room again.

I rolled my eyes at his comment, but was half he left because I didn't have a good comeback for it."

"How are you dating him?" Arden asked Jess.

Jess shrugged, "He's really sweet when he's not trying to make terrible puns and jokes."

"His jokes have never been good," I sighed, shaking my head. My brother tried, but after growing up with him for 17 years, I had grown used to his jokes, so usually none of them even made an impact in me.

"Anyway, you should open your present while your arms are baby free!" Arden announced, handing me the gift bag she had at her side.

"Alright." I pulled the tissue paper off of the top to reveal several items. The first thing I pulled out was a new onesie for Noah that had giraffes all over it, next I pulled out a set of new coffee mugs for Wyatt and I. I smiled when I saw that they had 'Mom' and 'Dad' written on them, "I will definitely be using this as soon as I'm given the clear to drink coffee again."

Finally, I couldn't help but snort when I pulled out the last item in the bag. It was none other than a box of condoms, "You guys know that these didn't help last time," I noted, gesturing down to my son who was sleeping in Jess's arms.

"Well, maybe a different brand will help," Arden smirked, causing me to laugh even harder and in the process of trying to quiet my laughs I ended up waking Wyatt up.

"What's going on?" He mumbled, sitting up next to me.

"Jess and Arden got you a present," I told him before putting the box in his lap.

I watched his tired eyes grow wide, "What the?"

"Don't worry you two, one baby is enough for us right now," I reassured my friends. I for one had just gone through hours of labor and didn't want to have to experience that again for at least few more years, if not longer.

"Well, we'll let you get back to resting and relaxing," Jess told us as she stood up and set Noah back in my arms.

"Thanks for letting us come see him," Arden smiled as she pulled me into a one armed hug.


"We'll see you soon!" Jess smiled before both of them headed out the door.

Wyatt wrapped his arms securely around my waist and nestled his head into my neck, "This boy doesn't even know how loved he already is."

I smiled as I stuck my finger out and Noah grasped it firmly, "I think he knows, even of he doesn't understand it yet."


OMG THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1 MILLION READS!!! I'm literally in shock right now with how much this story has taken off in just the last year (Exactly one year ago on August 9, 2020, this story only had 145k reads). I never imagined having a story hit a million reads, but now it has happened and I feel so blessed. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my story and leave comments that make me laugh so hard. You are the how I got to this point and I couldn't be more grateful for all of you, my fantastic readers. Kennedy and Wyatt, and their story were once just an idea in my head, and now so many people have read their story and I couldn't be more grateful. You all are truly the best readers and I hope you enjoyed this little bonus chapter :)

Don't forget that there is a sequel to this book called Senior Year where Kennedy and Wyatt's story continues!

Much love ♡ ♡
xx - Sidney

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