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"I have something to show you," Wyatt said as we pulled into my driveway after Wyatt had picked me up from work.

"Let me guess, if I ask you what it is, you're not going to tell me," I sighed in an overdramatic tone.

"Correct," Wyatt responded with a cheesy grin as he popped his car door open. I pushed my own door open and slowly slid out. I shut the door behind me and followed Wyatt to the house. He held the door open for me and lead me down the hallway and through the kitchen to where the backyard was.

"Close your eyes," He commanded before pushing the backdoor open. I listened and shut my eyes and let Wyatt guide me out of the house. He stopped me in a spot in the grass before letting go of me and shuffling around.

I could tell Wyatt had stopped moving and soon after he said, "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes to find Wyatt holding a hand written sign that said No Prom?

I laughed at his gesture and pulled him into a hug, "Yes, I'll not go to prom with you." We had already talked about not going to prom, since I was very pregnant and really didn't want to be surrounded by everybody in our class and the class above us all night in a very uncomfortable dress. It was also the day of prom, so it was no surprise that we weren't going.

"That was very sweet of you to still ask me to not go to prom with you," I noted, placing a kiss on his lips.

"Prom is tonight, so I figured now would be an appropriate time to ask," Wyatt mumbled against my lips.

"I'd rather spend the night watching movies with my boys anyways," I smiled, placing my hand on my ever so large bump.

Our prom was later than most schools prom, it was always the last Friday in May. So when I said I was very pregnant, I was very pregnant. That brings me to another reason I didn't want to go to prom, I did not was to go into labor in front of all of my classmates.

Our prom took place right before exams, so we had two days of exams left and them we were done for the year. Thankfully that was about a week before my due date and based on how I'd been feeling, I didn't think the baby would be budging early.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Wyatt asked, pulling me out of my own thoughts, "I can make something, or we can order something, it doesn't matter to me."

"Let's see what we have in this house?" I suggested, heading back inside. I opened the freezer and noticed we had no frozen pizza's, but we had something that was even better.

"Don't laugh at me," I warned Wyatt.

"Why would I laugh—" Wyatt started before he saw shat I was holding, "Are you kidding? Why would I laugh about dino nuggs? These things are so good!" He exclaimed.

"We can make mac and cheese too," I smirked, pulling a box of mac and cheese out of the pantry.

"You get the nuggets ready and I'll do the mac and cheese okay?" Wyatt said, trading me food items.

I first set the oven to preheat to the temperature the instructions on the nuggets bag told me. Then, I pulled a metal sheet pan out of a cabinet and lined it with foil before I started laying the nuggets out on it. Halfway through laying out the nuggets, I got a Braxton Hicks contraction.

"Are you okay?" Wyatt asked, panic clearly flashing through his eyes.

"Yeah, it's just the false labor contractions, totally normal," I promised him. My Braxton Hicks tended to only last about ten seconds and I only had them a couple times a day, so I knew that I wasn't going into actual labor.

"Why did nobody tell me waiting for a baby would be so nerve-wracking," Wyatt sighed as he poured the noodles into a pot of boiling water.

"Because nobody else our age has done it," I sighed.

"Please promise me you will tell me right away when you think you're going into real labor?" He begged, giving me puppy eyes.

"Of course I will," I promised, placing my hand on his cheek, "But you can't hold that against me if it happens to be when my water actually does break."

"This baby is going to be the end of me," Wyatt chuckled as he turned his attention back to the macaroni boiling away on the stove.

"Yeah wait until he gets here," I smirked before sliding the tray of dino nuggets into the oven.

"What are you guys making?" Grayson asked, entering the kitchen in his prom attire.

"Something you can't have," I scolded before adding, "You look very nice Gray."

"Thanks Ken," He smiled as Jess walked up next to him.

"My best friend is so hot!" I squealed as I hugged Jess. She was wearing a dark blue dress with a slit on one of the legs and a deep neckline that looked absolutely stunning in her.

"Thank you! I wish you were going with us," Jess sighed.

"We still have next year," I promised her.

"Unless you're pregnant again," Grayson joked.

Just as I said, "That's not happening," Wyatt said, "she won't be." Having two babies in such a short time span especially when we were still in high school was not something that either of us wanted. We had talked about waiting until we were at least in a stable financial situation before having another baby.

"On that note, we have to head out, I'll text you if anything interesting happens," Jess promised me before her and Grayson headed out the door.

"The thought of even being pregnant again makes me shiver," I told Wyatt as I hoisted myself onto one of the stools at the island.

"I think one baby is good for now," Wyatt said as he drained the macaroni and then added the cheese to the noodles.

"Let's just enjoy tonight, this is really kinda like our last night actually alone before little Noah arrives," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, what movie do you want to watch first?" He asked before setting my food in front of me.

"Ugh, I don't even know," I sighed thinking of all of my choices.

"Or a TV show?" He added in.

"What if we watch Pretty Little Liars just for old times sake? That show is iconic," I suggested.

"Whatever you want, you are carrying our child after all," Wyatt smiled. The way he said that made my heart melt. I didn't know how, but Wyatt somehow always knew the perfect things to say to make me fall even more in love with him.


Hey everyone! As I mentioned before, we are nearing the end of this story!! I have actually finished writing the story, so I can tell you that there are four more chapters and then the epilogue after this and then MBBFB will be complete! That's crazy to think of isn't it! I hope all of you continue to enjoy these last few chapters!

xx - Sidney

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