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"Good luck at work and have fun," Wyatt told me through the phone as I sat on the parking lot of the store I was hired at. The entire week seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was Saturday morning and I was starting at my new job.

I giggled, "Thank you, I will."

"Also, don't go on a baby clothes shopping spree without me," He warned.

"I won't," I started, "Speaking of which, will I see you after work?" I asked him.

"Probably not, my parents want me home because my sisters are coming into town for the long weekend and I have to help clean the house before they show up later today," He informed me.

"Okay, tell them I say hi."

"I'm sure they'll want to see you in person at some point this weekend, so don't be surprised if you get invited over to my house," Wyatt laughed.

"Alright, I'll put it on my calendar now," I joked. I glanced at the clock in my car and realized I was starting work in five minutes. "I have to go. My shift starts in five minutes."

"Alright, have fun. I love you," Wyatt told me.

"I love you too," I said before ending the call. I grabbed my wallet and keys before heading into the building.

"Hello?" I called, not seeing anyone when I walked into the store. A girl who looked to be in her early twenties popped her head out of what I assumed was the back storage room.

"Hi! Are you Kennedy?" She asked me.

"Yes I am," I confirmed.

"Hi Kennedy! It's so great to meet you! My name is Lilah, I'm the store manager," She informed me, holding her hand out for me to shake. I took her and shook it with a smile on my face.

"We're so excited to have you here! As you can see, we aren't very busy right now, so this is the perfect time to give you the rundown on everything," She explained.

I nodded, "Sounds good!"

She lead me to the door she had come out of and I followed her into the back room.

"So, this is our back storage room. You typically won't need to come back here unless a customer is looking for an item in a different size. Aiden comes in and restocks the shelves for us in the afternoon, you'll probably see him later today. That being said, you don't need to worry about that. Your main job is helping customers find what they need and checking them out," Lilah pushed the back door open and we went out to the front again, "The store is divided into gender and size. Boys clothes are on the left and girls on the right."

I looked around the store and nodded, it wasn't very difficult to tell the difference between the boys and girls side, since the girls side had way more frills and pink than the boys side. Looking at all the cute girls clothes definitely made me want a girl, but I was perfectly content with the boy in my belly. I had also read on multiple mommy type blogs that they felt raising a boy was easier than raising a girl. Of course I wanted a girl, but maybe having a boy first was a good thing for Wyatt and I.

"I think I can remember all of that," I commented, nodding my head.

"Good! Next we have the cash register," Lilah said, leading me over the the counter. "It's your basic kind of cash register, you scan the items tag with the scanner and then you just click this button on the screen to open the money drawer."

She looked at me and smiled, "Do you have any questions?"

"Not right now," I answered.

"That's alright, if you do have any please don't hesitate to ask." She glanced around the store, "Alright, well, I guess we can just chill for a little bit and then you can shadow me when a customer comes in."

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