◈Chapter 3

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I looked through the window to see two other teams that had just arrived. The teams then split up and went to their rooms where they were going to stay, I'm pretty sure they were unpacking their luggage.

Soon after, all the teams arrived at the gym and they were all changed into their volleyball jerseys. I didn't have anything to do right now so I decided to watch them warm up from the bleachers. They all looked hyped-up and energetic. It's literally seven in the morning and I'm half asleep but most of the volleyball players look like they could run fifty miles. 

"Hey Y/n, could you please come here real quick," asked Coach Nekomata.

"Be right there!" I replied. He was chatting with a bunch of other people, I assume they're the other coaches. 

"Y/n, did your father tell you anything about where you're going to sleep," he asked.

Now that I think about it, he didn't say anything. I was going to ask him, but he left before I could even say anything. So, where am I going to sleep..?

"Er- no, he didn't say anything," I said.

"Ah ok... well, I talked to Karasuno's coach and they said it was ok if you wanted to stay in the same room as the Karasuno girl managers, there are not many other choices so, what do you think?"

"Yea, that would be great!"

 I wonder what the Karasuno managers look like. I hope they're nice.

I then went back to sitting down on the bleachers. I decided to go watch the practice match between Nekoma and Karasuno, it seems interesting.

                                        ~◈Time skip to 30 minutes before dinner ◈~ 

It was my job to help serve dinner to everyone. To be honest, I like this job better than having to fill up water bottles every second, mainly because I have free access to the kitchen and I can get anything I want. Like for example, I could eat all the popsicles I want that are in the kitchen freezer.. but obviously, I'm not going to do that. 

I pulled my hair back into a little ponytail and put on an old apron. I went behind the counter where they serve the food. I was basically drooling all over the food, it looked really good. While I was waiting for everyone to arrive in the cafeteria, I overheard the coaches in another room talking about how they were going to go drink. They were going to leave at midnight when everyone's asleep. Not very wise to leave a bunch of teenage boys by themselves in a huge camp. Who knows what could happen. I heard lots of talking outside, the boys have finally finished practicing. They practiced A LOT. Imagine doing all that jumping and running every day for a week.

Each team sat at their assigned table, waiting for their turn to come up to me and get their meal. Nekoma went first.


This Lev dude was HUGE. His legs were so loNg and he was obnoxiously loud. He cut through his teammates so he could get the first meal. I still let him though, because I'm a nice person.

"Here you go," I said handing him his food.

"Thank you!" he said, trying to run away from one of his angry teammates. I'm pretty sure someone said his name was Yaku.

Next in line was a tall boy with messy black hair. He was dragging another boy by his shirt. The boy getting dragged had cat-like eyes and blonde hair with black roots.

"Hmm I've never seen you before, are you a manager?" said the boy with messy black hair.

"Oh well actually no, my dad owns this training camp and he sent me here to help out," I replied while giving food to the rest of the team.

"Your dad owns this entire camp?!"

"Yep, he's pretty rich," why did I say that I'm literally bragging y/n shut up.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Kuroo. And you aree~ "

"I'm Y/n," I said with a small smile.

It was Fukurodani's turn to get their food. Kuroo was eating his meal while standing up and talking to me. He was pretty swag so I let him stay.. but if he gets yelled at by coach Nekomata, it ain't my fault. I then gave Fukurodani their meals.

"Thanks, Y/n," Akaashi said.

Ayyy he remembered my name  *mentally dances*

"Haha no problem, your name is Akaashi.. right?

"Yea it is-"

" HeY you're the girl who saved me from the worm!" Bokuto interrupted.

"Worm..? " Kuroo added.

"Uhh yeah, Bokuto?" I said.


"I don't even want to know-"  Kuroo said.

They kept on talking to each other while I served the food. Apparently, they are all friends. Then, it was Karasuno's turn to get their food. I wonder if they recognize me... I mean, I go to their school.

"Hey, you go to Karasuno, right? What are you doing here?"  a boy with light grey hair asked. I'm pretty sure I saw him when I got knocked out with a volleyball in school some days ago.

"Yea I'm a second year at Karasuno, I'm here to help out the camp," I replied. I explained this like 500 times to different people... I'm tired 😐

"OOH, YOU'RE A SECOND YEAR? I've never seen you around.. and I'm a second year," a boy with black spiky hair with a blonde streak in the front exclaimed.

"Well I'm not that popular in school," I said. 

"That's surprising, you're prettier than most popular girls," he replied, making me a bit flustered.

"Thanks but I look like a moldy piece of bread," I joked.

"No, you don't!"

"Yes, I do!"

"No, you don't!"

"Yes I-"

"NOYA HURRY UP WE WANT FOOD!" yelled a boy with shaved hair.

"Sorry Ryu-" he replied.

He leaned on the counter, looked at me, and said, "I'm Nishinoya but you can call me Noya." He winked after saying that but then right after he tripped, ruining his flirtatious comment. It was hilarious. 

"I'm Y/n," I said laughing.

Noya noticed Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo talking near the counter so he went up to me and asked me if he was allowed to sit there. (All three of them brought chairs so they could sit down)

"Uh yeah I guess you can-" I said, shrugging.

"Yay thanks!" 

"Heyy Ryu! Do you wanna sit with mE," Noya asked the shaved-haired boy.



Noya then dragged him over to the other boys. 

After what felt like forever, I finished serving all the teams. It was finally my turn to eat dinner.

"Hey hey hey Y/n! Come sit with us!" Bokuto yelled, waving his arms.

I don't think I have a choice so, I just walked over to them.

Authors note// I'm so sorry for not updating in like 2 weeks! I was very busy with school and getting all my missing assignments up to date\(゚ー゚\)

Training Camp // 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now