Extra chapter : The 5th

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Waking seemed to be hard this morning, on the Sunny. The night had been so calm, with no change in the weather that would need anyone's help outside.

In the women's cabin, you could see three girls, two still sleeping.

Zuka was awake, having had the last watch outside, and wanted to put back her blanket on her bed. On the way out ouf the cabin, she caught a glimpse of the calendar on top of Nami's desk. She went back on the grassy deck, chuckling lightly, not before grabbing a little box she put in her pouch.


The first to wake up was Sanji.

When he stepped out, the sight of Zuka leaning on the railing with a little smile and the sunrise in the background greeted him.

And she must have heard the door because she turned to him.

"Good morning Sanji. Slept well ?"

"Yes I did Zuka-chwan ! Better enjoy those calm nights before it gets worse."

"True that. Also, did you check the calendar ?"

"Yup." He lit up a cigarette, putting it in his mouth. "Gotta make the best one, right ? Don't worry tho, I'll make sure to make plenty so the captain leaves enough for you ladies~~ !"

That brought a giggle out Zuka's mouth.

"Then I'm impatient to eat !"


The next ones were Franky and Ussop, who didn't leave their workspace all night.

"Hey Zuka-sis !"
"Yo Zuka ! Slept well ?"

"Hello boys. Yeah I slept well. Sanji's in the kitchen making breakfast, no one else's up."

"Oh yeah ? Better not disturb him then."

"Yeah, it's a super important day today after all !"

"Did you two finish what you were working on ?"

"Nah, we still need to work on it a bit more, but we thought it won't be a bad idea to take a little break, right Franky ?"

"Super right, Usopp-bro !"


The next ones were the girls.

Zuka, Franky and Usopp were still talking when they came out of the girl's cabin.

"Heya, girls."
"Morning !"
"Good morning !"

"Uwaaaa... Hey, guys... How are you ?"

"Super ! Although I think it's time we go back to work. You coming, bro ?"

A little 'yup' from Usopp is all that was needed for the boys to go back down.

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