Protect Kaya !

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~~Zuka pov~~

I entered the forest, trailing after Kaya. The three boys were not far behind, seeing us sprinting out her house with concerned expressions.

Since I didn't know the layout of the forest, she lost me quickly, and I got helped by the boys.

When we finally caught up, we found Kuro on the ground, Kaya and Ussop a little away from him, Zoro with his bandana on and injuries on his torso, and the rest of Kuro's crew in front of Luffy, who looked pissed off.

"Kaya, Ussop !"

The stress in my voice could be heard, even with my non changing calm face (even though, my eyebrows were a little scrunched).

""" The Ussop Pirate have arrived !"""

"Boys, wait !"

"You guys !"

"Stay away !"

They didn't hear us and jumped on Kuro, bashing his head with sticks or whatever they found on the way here.

"Say your prayers butt-ler !"

"It's punishment time !"

"Lousy pirate ! Disrupting this village's peace !"

"S-stop !"

But they didn't listen, and everyone looked at them with shocked faces.

When they finally stoped, Kuro didn't move, but looked very pissed off.

I took that time to look clearly at what was going on. Luffy was at the end of the slope, ready to kick Kuro's ass. Zoro already took care of some of them considering his torso's condition. Nami was nowhere to be found, and Ussop was next to me, full of bruises and cuts with Kaya sitting next to him.

The pirates' ship was destroyed, and I could see the little boat I came on, with the same two from yesterday morning. But when I looked more clearly at my boat, it wasn't here.

"Excuse me from interupting your argument. But did ANYONE touch whatever was in my boat ?"

The killing intent I released, doubled by my calm smiling face, scared the ones near Luffy, who nodded their heads.

I walked down the slope, not caring anymore of what was happening behind me.

"In that case, be prepared to lose some parts of your body. What was on it is my most treasured possession."

I could here them shriek, along with Ussop and the children.

'Why are YOU scared ?'

Then I heard the boys scream louder, and turned around.

Kuro stood up, angry and ready to fight.

Everyone looked his way, waiting for what was happening.

He walked pass the kids, and kicked Ussop.

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