artificial dragon

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Chase's POV: I was making some food, since I knew Rubble eats a lot, I made enough for everyone, just to be on the safe side

Fang:hi daddy I said walking up to dad as I lay down by him as I begin to move my claws in the dirt because I was completely bored

Chase: hey bud, you need something? Or do you want to play with me?

Fang:I am bored and I want to play with one of those toys that arrived

Chase: * tilts my head before remembering* you mean our guest's toys or ?

Fang:* I look up to see a golden lab walking out of the cave as I quickly get up and run towards him scaring The Living Daylights out of him as I look down as he was shaking as I showed my shirt teeth

Tuck: you scared me!

Fang: bad is this considered food I said looking at daddy as I have my tail around the golden lab as he couldn't climb out or go up under my tail at all

Chase: no Fang. He isn't food. I'm cooking fish since we don't have the right animals to make steak with

Marshall: I flew over dropping a horse and a few cows before landing on the ground lowering my wings so sky can get off as I give her a link telling her not to tell anyone

Skye: nods

Chase: *cooks a couple of cows to make steak

Marshall: I smiled as sky walked up to Chase and hugged his leg as he looks down at her with a complete shocked look

Chase: umm, hi? Do you need something?

sky: I move my paw toward me telling Vincent to lower his head*

Chase: * does so* yes?

sky:hi Chase

Chase: h-how?

Marshall:* all I could do was give a shirt toothy smile as I spread my wings before putting them back and look at blizzard trying to catch a bunny rabbit and fang trying to eat tuck

Chase: Fang, leave the golden lab alone and eat some cow please

Fang: I want golden lab I want Golden Lab

Marshall: I let out a loud growl as Thunder Rumbles and lightning Clash enough I yelled as my Roar Echoes across the entire Island and halfway to Adventure Bay

Chase: * picks up the golden lab and puts him in a hole that was small enough to keep fang from going in, seeing Tuck slide out into a soft grass bed* leave the golden lab alone Fang. He's not food

Marshall:* I hit Fang on the back of his head with my tail as it was charged up with lightning

Fang: ouch

Chase: * goes to finish making the food before rawring loudly for the paw patrol, the kids, and my mate to know food was ready

Marshall:* I was laying down not really wanting to move as I was keeping an eye on the kids as blue lizard grab the other members of the Paw Patrol and flew off to Chase asls Fang was not happy as we took away his golden lab toy

Chase: * puts some food in front of my mate and nudges him lightly* love, you need to eat

Marshall: I stand up and start to walk through the other as fang was walking right behind you

Chase: hmm? Need something bud?

Marshall:* I ram my tail down on the ground looking down at the members of the Paw Patrol ask blizzard and Fang was laying down welcome welcome I'm glad that you guys could join us

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