Chase get sick part 1

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P.o.v the next day after Marshall had his little fun he walked up to Chase noticing that chase really wasn't moving much as Marshall put his paw on Chase's head noticing that he was running a fever

Marshall: are you feeling good love cuz your head is hot

Chase: I-I think I'm running a fever

Marshall: I wonder if your molting or evolving I said walking towards the lake that comes in from the sea tide I'm going to go get some stuff from the pet parlor so you know where I'm going

Chase: okay love *coughs

Marshall: blizzard and Fang you boys behave your papa is not feeling too well okay

Fang: yes dad

Blizzard: we'll keep an eye on him

Exitium(Marshall) p.o.v after a couple of minutes I walked into the pet parlor as Katie looked at me and noticed me as I went to the back room and she quickly came around the corner with Skye and Everest and Rocky

Katie: hey Exitium, you need something

Exitium(Marshall): I got it

Katie: you sure? What happened

Exitium(Marshall): I stayed quiet as I grabbed a few bottles of medicine before turning around as Rocky was giving me a look yes Rocky

Rocky: where you going with that

Exitium(Marshall): why is this what you're looking for I said lifting up my leg showing off my big sheath and balls oh don't worry when I'm done with Vincent I'll make sure you be screaming my name again I said walking up to Rocky as I whispered in his ear you May pant whimper and wine I said as Rocky do just that

Rocky: oh fuck

Skye: speaking of Vincent, where is he? Is be sick?

Exitium(Marshall): and I just might bring Vincent with me when he's feeling better I said brushing my tail up under Rocky's chin and brushing it all the way down his lower body tickling his sheep and smacking his hole

Rocky: *yips

Exitium(Marshall): and maybe I'll give you some Dragon cock let's see how much you like that cuz I know you like my canine cock I said walking off as Rocky was so embarrassed to look at the others as when I said that Zuma was walking in

Zuma: what just happened

Exitium(Marshall): what the hell are you doing here I said standing outside looking at the female's Great Dane face to face

Shicra: could ask you the same thing

Exitium(Marshall): you have a lot of nerves showing your face around here especially after attacking my home and stealing my child

Shicra: you should've let things happen and stayed out of business

Exitium(Marshall): I bust out laughing so you think I was going to let you destroy my home and still my child let me ask you this do you have anybody that you care about

Shirca: other then family- nope

Exitium(Marshall): is that so and if I'm not mistaken I heard one of the police officers saying that your father and mother lives on 42 West adventure Bay Lane near Mr Porter's restaurant and in between foggy bottom okay I said transforming into my dragon form

Shicra: so what

Exitium(Marshall): I fly off towards that female great danes family house as she realized what I was talking about when I was already starting to disappear in the distance

Shicra: *growls

Exitium(Marshall): laughing my wings above that female great things parents house as they quickly walked out noticing me

Boy: Mommy, mommy look! it's a dragon!

Exitium(Marshall): I keep flapping as the mother quickly gets in front of her son realizing something was not right

Mother: what the

Exitium(Marshall): let me ask you do you have a daughter that is a police officer

Mother: no, we have a niece

Exitium(Marshall): then i have a phone to pick with you

Mother: which is?

Exitium(Marshall): she stole my egg the hand my son in I was going to come here and destroy and maybe killed all of you but it seems like that little boy likes dragon

Mother: oh yes, Tyson does. Now if you mean Shicra............I'M GOING TO GIVE HER A PIECE OF MY MIND!!!!!!!

Tyson: Gah! Mommy shouting! *hides in the dragon's legs

Exitium(Marshall): and now me and my mate can never go back to our original home cuz she had the military come with her

Mother: I apologize for that. I know it's not much, but I was told that there was a hidden dragon cove for you're kind. But no one knows where it is. Not even my great-great-great-grandfather

Exitium(Marshall): Oh

Mother: yeah

Exitium(Marshall): I start flying back home as after a couple of minutes I walked in the cave

Chase: *was panting hard with some ice on my head

Exitium(Marshall): I put some of the medicine and it's a spoon as I tell you to open up your mouth

Chase: *opens my mouth

Exitium(Marshall): I put the spoon in your mouth as it was great flavored

Chase: *swallows the whole spoon without a second though

Exitium(Marshall): Oh

Chase: *burps out the spoon

Exitium(Marshall): keep swallowing stuff like that and I might put my cock in your mouth for you to swallow

Chase:*lays my head down as a soft breeze cane from my nose

Exitium(Marshall):I lick my mates head before nudging him and my sons blizzard and Fang

Fang: yes daddy

Exitium(Marshall): both of my boys started to rub on me*

Blizzard: is papa okay

Exitium(Marshall):yes he is

Fang: is he asleep


Blizzard: will he wake up

Exitium(Marshall): yes he will I said as my boy started climbing all over me

Fang: what happened to papa

Fang: is he asleep


Blizzard: will he wake up

Exitium(Marshall): yes he will I said as my boy started climbing all over me

Fang: what happened to papa

Exitium(Marshall): he's just a little bit sick that's it I said as my boys keep climbing on me as my mate was sleeping peacefully

Blizzard: let papa sleep

Fang: fine


Fang: oh, I made a friend

Exitium(Marshall): Really

Fang: yep. Can I go meet him

Exitium(Marshall): what do you think blizzard I said nudging my youngest son making him fall over

Blizzard: I want to watch papa

Exitium(Marshall): okay you can go visit your friend just be back before nightfall and be safe

Famg: yes daddy *turns to a version of dad's dalmatian form with papa's amber right and green left eyes before bolting off

To be continue

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