Chase gets sick part 2

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Chase's POV: I was laying among some flowers, keeping myself calm, as my German Shepherd form was covered in flowers

Zuma: Vincent what are you doing

Chase: keeping calm

Zuma: are you sick I said putting a paw on your forehead

Chase; nu, just trying to keep my mind at ease. Plus, I only awoke from my nap

Zuma: I guess I understand I'm guessing you have a very bad temper I said sitting down

Chase: exitium has it worsr if you forget

Zuma: I guess you're right but he seems so nice I said chuckling as Vincent bust out laughing too

Chase: oh you be surprised

Zuma: I'm sure he's just a big soft cowboy overgrown teddy bear I said nudging Chase as we laugh

Chase: guess he is one *chuckles

Zuma: just look at you he treats you well he wants the best for you and he treats the kids well if he was really cold and heartless I think you look fear him more than love him

Chase: you be surprised how we first got together. *gets up and shakes my body, sending flowers everywhere

Zuma: oh I would like to hear how you came to be I said I would complete curiosity as I roll over on my back

Chase: I don't want to waste your time, besides, Don't you have a certain wolf looking at your brownie butt~ *chuckles as Rocky was staring at Zuma's ass

Rocky: get out of here you chocolate cock craving lab I got to talk with Vincent alone

Chase; * rolls my eyes*

Zuma; make me bitch~

Rocky: Look Who's Talking you wasn't able to talk or walk for a few weeks I don't mind doing that again if you don't get your butt out of here Vincent is going to see how much of a slut you are

Zuma: what ever slut *walks off

Chase; what you need

Rocky: I'm glad to see that my old friend is not dead I'm happy to see you chase I said hugging face tight

Chase: let me take 1 guess who told you

Rocky: go ahead but I doubt you be able to get it correctly sex craving machine I said teasing Chase

Chase; exitium or skye told you *flicks Rocky's nose gently

Rocky: that's practically two guesses not one I said pushing Chase with my shoulder

Chase: well it had to be 1 of the 2

Rocky: but you said let me have one guess that means you was only going to guess once not put two answers in one  guess crazy crazy dragon

Chase: exitium

Rocky: after he fuck my ass I said as Chase walks over and gives me a knuckle sandwich

Chase: and you call me a bitch

Marshall: what are you boys doing

Chase: talking. Also *hits Marshall on the head

Marshall: I catch Chase's fist and then sweep his leg where he was now on his back

Chase: asshole

Marshall: you should be back in the cave resting said putting a pot on Chase's forehead as he was still burning up you're still running a fever

Chase: but I want to play *whines

Marshall: get your ass back home and get your ass back in bed I will be back to check on you and if you're not in bed that's your ass

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