⋆8༄ We hide and seek our truths.

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Hey, hey! How are you? Can you believe that it's been already 3 days since I last updated? Where did the time go, lol. Anyways, I wanted to (something I was planning on doing before but was so tired I kept forgetting to add to each chapter) thank you for over 63K on 17 Missed Calls and over 2K on 17 Made Mistakes! Absolutely amazing! I'm moved ♡

I love this chapter so much for so many reasons. I hope you'll like it too. Enjoy x


Two more days practically flew by and now it was Friday, which meant that I got my first payslip, unfortunately not the money yet — that will be transferred to my account next week.

"What are you going to do with your first paycheck?" Mason asks, resting both of his elbows on the long worktop, leaning his body towards me as I'm stood at the opposite side of the bar. His blue eyes are bright, his lips stretched in a wide, teeth-showing smile.

"Well, my friend got a tattoo lately... I was thinking I might get one, too," I rasp, clearing my throat and shrugging my shoulders, staring down at my hands as I anxiously pick at my nails.

"And why does it sound like you're asking for my permission?" he chuckles quietly, beckoning with his head at the spot beside him.

I quickly scuttle over, finding myself by his presence, unbothered by anything else going on in the restaurant as my shift is ending in two minutes.

"What kind of tattoo are you thinking of?" he questions, eyeing me up, meanwhile starting to prepare a latte.

"Something rather small." I purse my lips together and give a listless shrug.

"Damn," he sighs, gutted. "Getting my dick tattooed is out of the question then," he mocks disappointment and seeing the way my hand flies over my eyes in amusement, he starts laughing himself.

"I seriously thought that you were going to help me!" I giggle, shaking my head.

"I will," he responds softly. "Here, have a coffee," he mutters, passing the cup into my direction.

"But it's the end of my—"

"B-b-but," he stutters deliberately, a beautiful grin fills his mouth as he moves closer to me. Then my breath hitches in my throat as there is only inches seperating us now, our bodies exposed to the eyes of any guest in the restaurant.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, petrified as he places his hand just beneath my left breast, his thumb caresses the material of my T-shirt.

"Here," he whispers back, slowly drifting his ablaze blue eyes to my blanched face. "On your rib. That's where I think you should get a tattoo," he adds quietly, removing his hand from my body.

I'm stunned. My mind is literally all over the place. I have no idea whether I liked what just happened, or not. The truth is, after switching between Nathan and Will for such a long time, being touched by someone else, someone new... felt... beyond odd but also refreshing. If I could compare this sensation to anything in the world, I'd say that it reminded me of standing in a warm, summer rain after an enervating week of unbearable heat.

"You okay?" Mason asks, creasing his forehead.

"Um, yeah..." I babble, reaching out for my coffee. "Thanks for the drink," I murmur, bringing the cup to my lips.

"Not a problem," he responds and starts polishing some wine glasses. Declan isn't in until later on, so Mason is the one taking care of the bar in the afternoon.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I bite on my lip, remembering something.

"Sure," he responds, running the cloth around the rim of the glass.

17 Made MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now