⋆46༄ The masterpiece

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My heart is pounding. I scramble not to jump into premature conclusions. There must be an explanation for it. Anaya can explain it to me. She can; I tell myself, hopeful.

As I proceed with gathering up the rest of her belongings, the worst that could happen, happens. I find it — a neon-pink marker pen.

No, Anaya. You didn't do this. I think to myself. You couldn't do this. Why would you?

With my shaking hands, I collect the bag from the pavement and let out a hot breath. The adrenaline is buzzing through my veins. I look towards the house — the one I was rushing so much to get to. Now my steps are slower, weighed with the fear of another betrayal.

When I emerge by the front door, I can feel myself stiffen. My stomach is turning, encompassed by nerves. I swallow the saliva that thickened in my throat and knock on the door.

Lub-dub, lub-dub; my heart keeps thumping in my ears. One more second and I might collapse.

As if on cue, the door opens. Tensed up, I tighten my grip around the handbag.

"Hello," A lady speaks, but it sounds more like a baffled statement. She wasn't expecting me here. It doesn't even look like she knows who I am. "Can I help you?"

The air in my lungs turns torrid. "I'm Davina. Anaya's friend." I raise an awkward smile. "Is she home?"

"Oh, Davina! She mentioned you so many times! It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Her eyes, as dark as her daughter's, light up with a friendly emotion. "Yes! Yes, she's home. Let me just–" She turns her head behind her shoulder. "Anaya! Come downstairs!" She looks back at me, smiling. "Would you like to come inside?"

I think about the handbag. "No, it's fine. I can wait here." I nervously bite on my bottom lip. "How was Edinburgh? I thought you were still up there."

"Edinburgh?" She breaks into a confused laughter. "What reason would I have to travel all the way up to Scotland?" She shakes her head, amused.

Another liar! Pile, pile, pile! My subconscious titters, drawing a bow. Her aim is Anaya's picture, pinned to a massive stack of hays.

"I'm sorry. I must've–" I try to lie about my question, but the words die on my tongue the moment I see her.

She's rushing towards the door, and then she sees me. For just a brief second, her eyes widen in something I'd dare to call shock, but then a wide grin blossoms upon her lips.

"Davina! I was literally about to call you!" She emerges at the doorstep, taking over from her mother, who just smiles at me and disappears inside the house. "You got my handbag! Thank God! I completely forgot about it!"

I smile back and hand it to her. She doesn't know that I nicked the picture. "Your family's home," I point out, curious about her reaction.

"Oh, yeah." She grins again, casting a brief glimpse towards the corridor. "They've just come back. I wasn't expecting–"

"Why?" I question, feeling my head spin from the lies.

"I mean, I don't know? They probably wanted to surprise–"

"Why me?" I ask again, disappointed.

Her brows stitch together. "What do you mean?"

"I know that you lied, Anaya. They were never in Edinburgh. Your mum told me." I stare at her, grave.

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