⋆28༄ 21st

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This update is just to say thank you for always sticking to this story regardless of how much time I take to post more chapters. It is also one of my favourites bits from this book, so enjoy x love you all!


"Suits you." Mason nods his head, approving my first, and probably last tattoo. "Told you that it'd look ace on the ribs."

"You also forgot to mention that it'd quite hurt." I narrow my eyes, yet the corners of my lips get hoisted by a smile.

"Don't grumble. Your first time surely wasn't painless, somehow you still decided to have another go at sex," he gloats, self-satisfied, as I went along with his idea for my ink, or rather where it should reside. "You might get more in the future."

"Tattoos or sex?" I raise a brow.

Please, be the latter. My subconscious stares at me, puppy-eyed.

"That depends during which one you enjoy screaming more." A lopsided smirk beautifies his face, but it fades away quickly, getting replaced by a ponderous expression. "So. . ." His voice emerges, calm, yet curious. "Who was the secret admirer that sent you the letter?" He refers to the unstamped envelope, which he handed me yesterday.

"Did you notice that it wasn't actually posted?" I intentionally ignore his question, not really keen on letting him know what was inside the envelope. He has already witnessed the neon-pink indignity on my ceiling, so keeping this information a secret will be a nice respite from any form of humiliation for once.

"Oh, really? I must've overlooked it. Work was manic." He leans down and removes the coupler from an empty keg of beer.

"Did you see who brought it in?" I try to make my voice sound as calm and disinterested as only possible.

"A postman. Why? Is something wrong?" His eyes briskly travel from the keg to me.

"No." I let out a funny snort. "I was just surprised that it got delivered without actually being posted."

"Well–" he straightens his back and lifts the empty container "– in that case, someone must've been really determined to chase after Pat, so he would bring the letter to you."

"Pat? Is that his name?"

"What?" Mason's forehead creases.

"The postman. Is that what he's called?"

"No." He gives a chortle. "I was referring to the old, animated series." Seeing my discontent expression, he carries on, "Are you sure that you're okay? You seem really flustered by that letter."

So I tell him. Everything, as quickly as I can because our shift's about to start, and he listens, being very attentive. I don't even gloss over the fact that I pointed an accusatory finger at Connor, which seems to be the only thing that Mason listens to with half an ear, most likely understanding that my action towards his brother was justified.

"I wouldn't let it bother me, but neither would I neglect it." He uses his shoulder to hold the door open and squeezes through with a new keg. "Someone might be just messing with you, but you never know."

I cogitate about his words, and indeed, the letter doesn't have to have much in common with breaking in to my house, but there is something that still bugs me.

"How do you explain the pink lettering then?"

"I don't." His voice sounds laboured as he grapples with the keg, trying to push it into a desired spot. "Someone broke into your house. Do I think it's worrying? Yes, I do." He stops the wrestle and diverts his blue eyes to me. "The note, though, seems silly to me. I mean, sociopaths usually increase the level of craziness in their actions, not lessen it." He sighs, wiping the dust from his hands at his apron. "Don't take my word for it, but if someone wanted to harm you, they would have already done it. The insults occur to me as a meaningless threat. Whoever did it, is only trying to scare you in my opinion."

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