Pool Class

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Note: I'll probably mix the times between past and present, i'm still learning about that, so, sorry in advance.

I've been speaking english for 1,5 year, and even tho i can read without problems, write and speak is hard. All feedback is welcomed since i'm doing this fanfic to improve my english :D

Ike: "Wow, it's the pool!"

I hear Ike's excited exclamation.

After lunch ended, the long-awaited swimming class the perverts were waiting for finally came. 

Kiyone: 'Uwah...'

I turn on my phone and place my vote for Ike in "Ranking of boys who should die".

Ike: "Let's go together, Yamauchi."

Fortunately, our paths diverged for now and I followed the other girls to the locker rooms.

Horikita quickly started changing her clothes without a useless movement. Her slim but well-trained body was visible. Especially if you compare her to the others in the class. She probably exercise regularly.

After she finished, for some reason, Horikita looked up and down my body.

Horikita: "Ayanokouji-san, do you exercise?"

Kiyone: "Eh? No, nor particularly. I'm not proud of it, but I was part of the go-home club."

Horikita: "You say that, but... you clearly look like you exercise from your muscles in your arms and slightly toned abs."

Kushida heard this and turned to me.

Kushida: "Now that you mention it... Ayanokouji-san, you have a very nice body."

Kiyone: "Maybe I inherited good genes?"

Horikita: "I don't think that's the case."

Kiyone: "What, are you very into girls? You look at us that much? Can you bet your life on that?"

She glared at me for a moment before sighing.

Horikita: "If you go that far to deny it, I'll believe you..."

She looks dissatisfied. Looks like she has quite the discerning eye. Kushida giggled.

Ike: "Where are the girls? Are they not here yet?"

All of us hear Ike's excited voice. Most of the girls look with disgust towards the door.

Horikita and me finished fast, so we're the first ones getting out, instantly followed by the rest of our classmates to the second floor. Sotomura, Hasebe and Sakura were already there.

Random D-mate: "Wow~! This pool doesn't even compare to my middle school one~"

After admiring the pool, we see an Ike on guard looking at us intensely. Yep, definitely he's going to be hated.

Apparently, the boys are in shock for seeing us up here. Except Hirata. Hirata is not interested in girls after all.

Ike buried his face in his hands and collapsed on the spot from the disappointment.

Ike: "I thought I would get to see big breasts~!"

Contemplating suicide, Ike shouted in agony apparently looking at Hasebe.

Hasebe seems like a self-conscious girl. Furthermore, she's sensitive to the curiosity from theboys. I guess she wasn't amused by the boy's peeking. 

"Stupid" "Pervert" "Disgusting" "He should just die"

Murmurs like those spread among the girls. As I expected, the girls hate him for being soblatant... 

Yamauchi helps Ike to get up and Kushida approaches to them.

Horikita walks around the pool, and as the moon I am, I orbit around her.

Horikita: "Why are you following me?"

She ask aggresively.

Kiyone: "It's dangerous to go alone. Although if you had a wooden sword that wouldn't be the case."

Horikita: "If I had one, I'd use it on you to make you stop following me."

Kiyone: "I just wanted to tag along with you."

Horikita: "I don't remember giving you permission to."

She walks faster to avoid me, so I turn off my Horikita's orbiter mode.

I see at the distance Kushida starting to talk with Horikita and the three idiots talking secretively. 

I sigh. I definitely failed at making friends.

Having nothing to do, I decide to eavesdrop the conversation between the three idiots.

Yamauchi: "Since we can't measure Hasebe-san, what should we do?"

Ike: "The battle was between her and Ayanokouji-san, so I think we can say Ayanokouji-san won."

Sudou: "You're saying that because you betted on her. What do you think we should do, professor?"

Sotomura: "In this situation, I think the best option we have is make it a draw, 50/50 to both."

Kiyone: "I think Hasebe wins over me."

Ike: "We can't know it, we weren't able to measu... A-Ayanokouji-san?!"

722 words

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