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Katniss nodded reluctantly. "You are not the only one. But we have no choice."

Nico looked carefully at the tunnel, which was being watched by two guards. He wore an aviator jacket, which was way too big for him, and a skull t-shirt. He quite liked the color black. Katniss's silver dagger hung at his belt. They hadn't been able to find him a good weapon of his own, so he had been using that for the past week or so.

"I still can't believe this," he said. "We just walk right up and they'll let us in?"

"Hopefully," Katniss said. "They will recognize me."

"That makes no sense," Nico complained. "How could the Greeks not have known about them?"

"The mist," she said. "The gods have separated them for decades."

"Not helping. What am I supposed to call you again?"

"Katarina," she said. "Daughter of Thetis."

"Why does Thetis get to keep her name but the other gods don't?"

Katniss shrugged. "Apollo kept his name, did he not? Romans can be incredibly lazy when they want to be."

She closed her eyes and willed herself to change.

Her skin turned a light celestial bronze color and her hair braided itself, though the grey streak stayed. The circlet in her hair readjusted. She would not dare let it get away. Her clothes changed to a knee length white dress, a golden belt around her waist. Sandals wrapped up her ankles, sparking in the sunlight. Her silver quiver and bow appeared on her. If she had drawn her sword it would have been imperial gold.

Her eyes snapped open. She knew they were now a glassy, volcanic black.

"I resent that last comment," Katarina muttered.

Nico yelped. "You...you just changed..."

"I told you, I am in my Roman form." She flexed her fingers. "It has been quite a while. Come."

Katarina walked across the street without fear, Nico hurrying behind her. Katarina kept her chin lifted slightly, as if she were above the mere mortals around her. That's what roman's valued, after all. Strength and being confident in the face of danger.

Two guards stood waiting for her. One was a girl with jet black hair and obsidian eyes. She was about fourteen, and her gaze swept over Katarina and Nico - observing them to see if they were threats.

The boy's hair was blond and he had electric blue eyes. Perhaps a son of Jupiter. was a small scar on the corner of his lip, which seemed a little odd, but she decided not to question it. He was tall and decently tanned, in his hand was an imperial gold gladius.

[1] 𝐼𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑠 - 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑦 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now