I just wanted to eat my pancakes

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The peaceful mood is ruined by Tony running into the living room, looking panicked and talking too fast for anyone to understand him. 

Steve stands up and walks over to Tony. "Tony, you have to slow down. What's going on?"

Bruce turns the television off and walks over, rubbing his hands on his pants and looking anxious. "Is someone coming? Do we need to suit up?"

Percy pulls his pen out of his pocket and twirls it around his fingers anxiously, looking around and preparing for a fight.

Natasha has a similar reaction, resting one hand on her gun and with the other checking the surveillance feed.

Clint stands up and climbs in the vents, crawling away. A few moments later he pokes his head back in the room with his bow beside him, obvious by the clanking noise it made as he crawled back towards his friends. He stays in the vents, he has a better view of the room from there and can shoot any attackers more easily.

Bruce is leading Tony through breathing exercises. "Tones, can you tell me what's going on now?" He asks gently.

Tony nods, his eyes glancing around the room to make sure the exits are still there. "The-the um… uh the… J-Jarvis (is) down." Tony replies, missing a few words in his panic.

Because this is just like Ultron and he just barely got Jarvis back last time, what happens if he can't bring him back this time? He doesn't want to lose Jarvis for forever.

Bruce looks at Steve, his expression showing how bad this is and nodding at him to tell them to suit up.

He turns back to Tony. "From the outside or the inside?"

"Out-outside. I… (think it's)... hydra?"

Steve's expression fills with anger and Natasha and Clint grip their weapons tighter. Percy looks around the room, very confused about the hydra. He decides it must be bad with everyone's reactions. He grips his pen tighter. 

"Tony, are you sure?" Bruce asks calmly.

Tony throws his hands up in the air. "I-I don't… I…"  

Bruce rubs Tony's back to calm him down. "Hey, hey hey," Bruce says softly. "I need you to breathe, Tony. Can you do that for me?" 

Tony nods. 

Bruce smiles. "Good. Now, in for Seven, out for four." Bruce pauses as he listens to Tony breathe. "Good. That's very good. Now keep doing that for me please. I'm going to stay right here, but I need to talk to Steve, okay?"

Tony nods, looking much calmer and still doing breathing exercises. 

Bruce opens his mouth to say something to Steve when Percy's eyes go wide.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN AND COVER YOUR EYES!" Percy shouts in a commanding tone laced with panic as he covers his eyes.

Clint covers his eyes from in the vent. Natasha, Tony and Steve all drop down immediately. Bruce drops a second later, covering his eyes. Percy is already on the floor. Everyone cringes at the extremely bright light coming through their eyelids. 

Percy sounds very angry as he stands up and dusts his pants off. "You can all open your eyes now."

Everyone stands up. Natasha points her guns, one in each hand, towards the figure standing where the light used to be. Clint trains an arrow on her. Steve holds his shield defensively in front of Bruce and Tony's Ironman suit completely encases him. Percy looks on edge, but he has no weapons out.

"What are you doing here?" Percy seethes in anger.

Natasha raises an eyebrow. "You know her?"

Percy nods minutely and Natasha looks the lady over. She looks similar to Annabeth, Percy's late fiance. Is she an inhuman? Perhaps Annabeths mother? Natasha gestures towards the others to lower their weapons. 

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