missions of green

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The man covered in black grimaced.

He stared at the silver building in front of him with cold, calculating eyes.

He blended in perfectly with his surroundings. The only thing that gave any indication that he was there was a small screen in front of him.

It showed multiple lines of code that was ready to launch at the tap of his finger.

He quickly and carefully scanned the screen in front of him. He made sure his code was perfect.

After all, Tony Stark's AI's are some of the hardest things to hack.

He pressed enter, satisfied with his work.

He silently watched the computer screen, typing lines of code when needed. Tony Stark lived up to his reputation.

He mulled over his mission once again.

Infiltrate the tower.

Find and capture Percy Jackson.

Eliminate anyone who stands in his way.

His computer screen flashed and an alert popped up on his screen.

Access granted.

He looked at the time and nodded in satisfaction. He closed his computer and put it in a nearby trash can.

He checked his guns. He had to make sure that they were loaded and the safety was on.

He looked up at the tower. It was shrouded in the darkness of night. He mentally decided how to make it to the targets room.

He made his way to the bottom of the tower. He slowly began climbing it. He stayed well away from the floor with lights on.

He climbed over the balcony on the eighty-second floor.

He took a step forward and looked into the target's room. His eyes widened in surprise when green eyes met his.

It was 3 am. He wasn't expecting the target to be awake.


Percy slowly reaches over and pauses the song, wiping tears off of his cheeks.

This song hits too close to home.

He glances at the clock. 8:00am. He looks outside and then back at the clock, squinting. 3:00am. Yeah, that seems more accurate. His shoulders slump in disappointment. When would he finally get a good night's sleep?

He looks out of his window, remembering what happened on the roof just a few hours ago. He buries his face in his hands. His shoulders slump in defeat. Man, I hope Uncle Tony doesn't tell mom.

Percy jumps when a figure climbs onto his balcony. He reaches his hand into his pocket, gripping riptide.


The figure opens his balcony door and reaches slowly behind him. Percy takes a step back, looking up at the man's buff figure.

"Okay, you are not Nico."

Percy uncaps anaklusmos, after all, even if the man is a mortal, the sight of his trusty sword should at least scare him.

The man takes a step forward, undeterred.

Percy sighs. "Guys?" He says loudly.

The man lunges at Percy in an attempt to shut him up and Percy jumps to the side, standing on his bed.

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