Chapter 2

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Romeo was falling. The wind violently hit his face, and the impact of it made him snap his eyes open. He watched the tiny landscape of the entire of Tarabiscoville slowly grow larger and larger beneath him. His mind processed what was happening, and he let out a scream. Everything came rushing back to him.

The Flying Factory.

The PJ Jet.

Robot saving him at the last second.


''Robot!'' He said out loud. 

Frantically, he looked around, his eyes scanning the debris of the Flying Factory. His heart broke when he saw the Flying Factory in pieces. That beautiful palace that he had taken so long to build was now gone. Romeo heard a faint buzzing sound to his right and turned his head. Robot was there with a big hole in the middle. His CPU was gone. Robot's pink eye was glowing ever so faintly, but that was still a good sign that he was working. Romeo grabbed Robot's arm and pulled himself towards the machine. 

"Master, do not come near me. I may blow up," Robot wheezed. 

"Oh, no. Robot," Romeo whispered, shocked. 

A creaking groan was heard above Romeo, and he looked up just in time to see a huge piece of the Factory coming right at him. Romeo used his arms to shield his face and braced for impact, but he was pushed to the side instead. Robot once again saved his master by pushing him away. The huge piece of metal fell on Robot instead, and there was a 'clunk' as Robot went down with it. Romeo knew that Robot would not survive the damage. Romeo had been up with the factory quite high, so he was still falling. He was nearing the ground but saw that a tree was right below him. He braced for impact, and fell right on top of the branches and leaves of the tree. At last, he came crashing down to the ground, and landed with a thump. Romeo suffered a few scratches, but the tree had buffered most of the impact of the fall that he was not severely injured. He stood up, shaking, and brushed off the leaves and twigs stuck to his coat. He looked around him, and realization struck him. Slowly, everything began to set in. First of all, Robot was destroyed. Secondly, his precious Flying Factory was gone. He had basically lost the most important things in his life. He still had his Lab with him as it was in the vault, and the vault was released before the factory was blasted. The vault should have survived the fall. Romeo ran to the debris, and found Robot among them. Tears welled up in his eyes as he stroked what was left of Robot. Robot's body was still intact, and fixing up the hole would not be a problem. It was the CPU part that bothered him. The CPU basically was the main thing for Robot to function and without it, Robot was nothing. Romeo thought of all the memories he had with Robot and all of the times he had saved him. Robot was always there for Romeo whenever Romeo needed consolation or help. Robot was ever so caring to him even when Romeo had mistreated him. Robot was almost like a metal guardian who would always help him whenever he needed it. Romeo held up Robot's cold, lifeless metallic hand and stroked it. He sighed, and took a deep breath. He got up and went to look for his vault. The vault was there, but there was a huge dent on the top of it. Nevertheless, Romeo went near the door and punched in the pass code. He went inside and opened up the door of his Lab. The vault contained all of the scrap metal pieces that he would need to do his inventions and his Lab too. As Romeo drove the Lab out of the vault, he took out the Shrinker from the small backpack he always carried around. He almost never opened it as he only used it for dire circumstances. And this was definitely a dire situation. He shrunk all of the debris and the vault and carefully put it inside his Lab. Romeo certainly did not want anyone to rummage through the debris and find any of his precious stuff, like his old inventions or Robot, or anything for that matter. Especially not the PJ Masks. Realisation struck him as he remembered whose fault it was that this entire thing happened and his blood boiled with rage. Romeo had to get back at those PJ Pains. If only there was a way to take revenge upon the PJ Masks. If only he knew how to make them pay. 

"Focus Romeo," He told himself.

It was almost dawn and he had to sleep. He could not let any daytime people see him. That was when he remembered. Where was he going to sleep? He did not want to go back to his house. Quite a long time ago, Romeo had stopped sleeping at his house. 

He was neglected by his parents from a very young age. Their hectic work schedule forced them to return home late and leave home early, so Romeo never got to interact with his parents much and never received the proper parental affection and care in his childhood. They enrolled him in a childcare center where he had to go every day after school. He spent very little time with his parents. Romeo displayed great independence from a very young age, due to his extraordinary intelligence. Romeo's parents had failed to see that their son was indeed a child prodigy as they were so caught up with their work life. Romeo had learned to do many things that normal children would not be able to do. Romeo's parents always thought that Romeo was just very independent and never cared to notice the extraordinary skills he had with computers. Romeo was fascinated with computers from a young age and was great with computers as it had been passed down from his parents. However, that was not the only reason why he decided to become a villain. While home was difficult enough for him, school was even a bigger problem. Romeo decided to go back to his house after all. He did not have a choice. Romeo had made the decision to never come back to his house when he was seven as he had finished with the construction of the Flying Factory and decided to stay there. That was when he stopped going to school too. Romeo drove the Lab to his house and soon reached it. He opened the door by dismantling the doorknob and looked around it. It had been ages since he had last come here, and the place was dusty. He slowly walked up the stairs and went into his room. His bed was there, including other furniture. He changed out of his lab coat and slipped into some dusty black pajamas. He lay down on the bed after cleaning the covers. As he closed his eyes, he thought about his elementary school experiences. Romeo used to be a normal, shy boy. He was nice to everyone and had completely no intention of being a villain. He used to be a short boy, and his hair made him an easy target for the older kids, both in school and in his childcare center. Romeo's hair always had a streak of white and it was actually pretty cool. It was supposed to be some kind of birthmark. Romeo was however made fun of due to this. He had earned the title 'nerd' due to always carrying books around. The bullying got out of control over a few years. All the kids neglected him, and so did his parents. Soon he was sick and tired of this neglect and learnt that being nice and kind was not always the smartest way to live in this harsh world. Romeo's hate turned into anger and he wanted revenge. Since nobody noticed him when he was nice and kind, he decided that being mean would make him noticeable. He wanted people to notice him. He wanted so badly for people to love him. As he suddenly dropped out of school, his parents soon began to search for him but to no avail. He was living in the Flying Factory and never visited his home. Romeo's parents had tried to look for him and gave up in the end. They had carried on with their lives like nothing ever happened. Romeo was very deeply hurt by this at first, but it only made him even more bitter and evil. His intention to take over the world became even more intense. Romeo's parents were the reason why Robot was so important to him. Robot was the only person left to care about him, and the loss of Robot saddened Romeo even more. 

He had to take revenge upon the PJ Masks. He had to make them pay. And to make them pay, he needed a plan that he had never thought of before. A plan that would defeat them once and for all. Romeo thought hard. 'What made them so invincible? What's the reason they always win? What's the tactic they use to win every time?' As these thoughts ran through his mind, he recalled every time they defeated him. Years of fleeing and seeing his inventions getting destroyed had made him bitter. They had been fighting for almost a decade now. Romeo was soon to become 15, and they had been fighting since 5. He could not handle the defeat anymore. Especially not after this night. Slowly, a plan began to form in his mind. Romeo closed his eyes again and went to sleep. However, he could not help smirking as he thought of his plan.

It was a great plan.

And it was his most genius plan ever.


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