Chapter 10 - Part 1

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a/n: for those who have been voting so far, thank you so much


"Ahem," Romeo cleared his throat dramatically.

The villains standing around him yelled back angrily in response.

"You just killed my ears, genius!" Night Ninja said sarcastically.

Romeo was testing out the communication devices that he had made for all of them so that they could communicate with each other while carrying out their plan to defeat the Masks.

"Aw, my ears," Romeo groaned and took out the earpiece from his ears.

It seemed like he had not adjusted the volume of the receivers properly. He turned to the computer monitor and checked the screen. Sure enough, the volume was set to maximum. He lowered the volume for each user and spoke into the mouthpiece once more.

"Much better," Kevin informed.

The villains were gathered in Romeo's Lab quite early even though their plan was to be carried out almost an hour later. Romeo glanced at his phone to check the time. It was 9.30.p.m. He looked back at them and went through the plan again. The PJ Masks had not transformed and were not in their HQ yet, according to the stats shown in the HQ. Romeo had successfully hacked into the HQ's base and it was fully in his control, although PJ Robot did not know that.

"The PJ Masks should come into HQ around 10.p.m, and we start at 10.30," Romeo said without glancing up from the screen.

They all nodded and went outside the Lab. The Lab was parked behind the HQ but PJ Robot could not see them from the camera as Romeo had disabled it. PJ Robot was of course oblivious to this. Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos readied their sticky splat supply while the Wolfies practiced their howling. Luna Girl was simply hovering around in her Luna Board, staring blankly at the moon. Romeo remained in his Lab, making the final adjustments to the GPS system that would pinpoint the exact location of the PJs as well as the villains. Romeo took out a metallic silver ball and slid it into his pocket when his computer beeped.

"Transforming," buzzed a metallic voice.

Romeo nodded to himself.

"The PJ Masks are on their way. Assemble back inside the Lab." He spoke into the mouthpiece.

The villains entered the Lab. They all watched three different flashes of light, red, blue and green zoom towards the top of HQ. Once the lights faded away, they came back outside the Lab.

He passed Luna Girl the metallic ball and cleared his throat once more.

"I hope you all remember the plan; we have gone through it several times. Andー"

"Yeah yeah we get it. Can we go now?" Rip interrupted.

Romeo huffed irritatedly and continued.

"ーand remember not to screw up." He said while looking at Rip.

Night Ninja clapped his hands and the Ninjalinos cartwheeled away. He ran along with them. The Wolfies ran along with them on all fours while howling.

Luna Girl zoomed towards the Museum with the ball in her hands and reached it, soon enough. She circled the Museum and reached the back of it. She placed the ball beside the wall and backed away. The ball slowly opened up and a very realistic hologram of Romeo's Lab was projected. Two metal arms shot out of it and poised themselves in a way that looked like they were about to smash the wall of the Museum. A hologram of Romeo was inside the Lab as well, and it gave the illusion that he was controlling the Lab. Luna Girl turned and flew towards HQ.

Upon reaching the back of HQ she landed the Luna Board and walked into the Lab. Romeo was hunched over his computer with his goggles up on his forehead

"I have just turned on the live feed of Night Ninja, the Wolfies and my hologram. It's now being displayed on the PJ Picture Player." He informed.


Back in HQ, the three heroes were staring at the Picture Player, brows furrowed.

"We can't take them down all at once," mused Catboy.

"We'll have to split up." Owlette said.

"BUT," interjected Gekko, "We apologise to them first."

Catboy sighed internally. He thought things were fine again since he had talked to Gekko and settled things a few weeks before. Gekko was back to normal, but it seemed like he still wanted to stick to his decision to apologize. Catboy nodded. It was the right thing to do. Owlette agreed as well.

"So, are we splitting up?" Catboy asked

"Seems like it." Owlette paused, and looked at Catboy. "But wait, isn't it risky to split up? What if they attack us?"

"I don't think they would do that. But if they do..." Gekko trailed off. "We'll have to take our chances."

'Great,' thought Catboy. 'If they actually do attack us, we're doomed.' He sighed, because he knew there was no other way to stop them

"To the PJ Rovers." He said unenthusiastically.


"They are leaving the HQ," Romeo said into his comm device.

"Gekko is headed for the High School, Owlette towards the Museum and Catboy to the Library. Be ready to take them down."

Luna Girl's eyes followed the red, blue and green dots moving in different directions. Apparently, the PJ Masks were represented by colour coded dots. Romeo then switched into another window in his computer and all that was seen on the screen was numbers. It seemed to be some sort of coding. Luna Girl watched as Romeo typed furiously. A moment later, he looked up.

"Communication devices disabled." buzzed a robotic voice.

He then typed again once more and spoke up.

"The door's open. You know what to do."

Luna Girl nodded and hopped onto her Luna Board. She hovered in quietly through the door and went to the main floor using the elevator. Luna Girl stepped off her Board and tiptoed towards the vault. PJ Robot had his back to her as he was checking the live feeds. But he did not know that it was Romeo controlling them. Luna opened the door and half expected a loud siren along with red lights. But it did not come. She realised that it was Romeo. He had disabled the alert system. She then opened a container with the Moon Gem and Luna Crystal. She shoved it into her Magnet and it began to transform slowly.

A dark purplish-pink aura surrounded her and her Luna Magnet. They both floated up and a handle protruded out of the Magnet. It continued to grow taller and taller. Several patterns glowed on the handle of the Scepter and Luna Girl swirled it. She and the Scepter landed back on the ground again, and she studied the Scepter with awe. The Luna Scepter was much longer than the Luna Wand and it sported a different look.

That was when PJ Robot looked behind and saw her. His first instinct was to alert the PJs. He beeped loudly into the PJ Picture Player and was surprised that they did not respond. Luna Girl cackled evilly and pressed a button on her earpiece. She told Romeo that he could come in through the mouthpiece. She trapped PJ Robot in a Moon Bubble. PJ Robot tried to escape, overcome with shock. He tried to bang himself on the walls of the force field but he could barely move. He beeped loudly, and his beeps turned into frantic buzzes.

Just then Romeo came in through the elevators. He walked over to PJ Robot and tapped on the Bubble. Nothing happened. He signaled to Luna Girl and she deactivated the Moon Bubble. Before PJ Robot could escape, a mechanical tube shot out of Romeo's backpack and stuck itself on top of PJ Robot's head.

PJ Robot's lights dimmed and in just a few seconds his battery was dead. Romeo held PJ Robot by his head and the both of them started towards the elevator again. It was time to take down the rest of the PJ Masks. 


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