ending notes ++

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After a lot of deliberate efforts, I can finally announce that this book is over and man, it was a hell of a ride. Making it past all these emotions that I had put into this book, here you are, reading the ending notes and I can't thank you enough. Thank you, thank you so much for investing your time in this little creation of mine, not giving this book up in the middle and sticking with me even though the earlier chapters must have been hard to read. Thank you for being patient and never coaxing me for updates, I swear I believe every writer deserves an audience like you. It was just because of your kind words that I could keep writing this book and finish it till the end so thank you so much:)

Now, I would just like to like to give out some random facts here and there that you might be interested to know, now that the book is officially over.


➹ I am really happy with the construction of the book and how it turned out. I wasn't initially planning on something like this but when I noticed how Sugar gets introduced in the 34th chapter, I decided to make it half and half and almost achieved it. So if you notice:

00-32:: heather
33-64:: sugar

Since I was short of 2 chapters at the end, I tried compensating for them by writing two bonus chapters.

➹I didn't plan the insides of this book intensively from the start; I actually just thought of the overall plot and the theme and just allowed my words to flow. In the middle I genuinely felt like it was very much just going with the flow and I didn't really know how to advance it further so I just trusted the process and kept writing what was coming to my mind. But I'm glad it worked out♡.

➹I really wanted to create a book where I focus on the character development rather than the overall plot and that wouldn't have been possible as such has I written this from either of Jungkook or Taehyung's perspective. I wanted to highlight the lesser talked about topics like "Imposter Syndrome", "High functioning Anxiety", "Loneliness", and "Depression". Moreover, I wanted to give Jimin's character a happy ending to show people suffering from these that you do have hope and that you deserve happiness in the end, despite your struggles at present. I hope the message was loud and clear without any misinterpretations.

➹I introduced Yoongi's character because that's how I thought of the plot and since I believe in true happy endings, had Jimin been alone, it wouldn't have been that a positive ending overall but in NO WAY am I saying that you need someone to feel whole. Loving yourself and being at peace with yourself, comes from the inside. I just wanted to show that Jimin found love, outside of his little zone and that too when he started leaving his toxic side behind.

➹I purposely didn't put "YM/yoonmin" In the description or the title of the book to prevent the plot getting ruined, although by the middle everyone had realized that Jimin needed a partner of his own and guessed Yoongi might be in it.

➹Despite thinking phrases like "I wish he were dead" and all, Jimin actually didn't mean those words because they were too harsh. He just thought he should feel so because he was blinded by his affection towards Jungkook. In fact from the first day onwards he'd wished to be friends with Taehyung.

➹I am well aware that Jimin is an extrovert in real life and that Jungkook's an introvert instead but I purposely added this little change so they could match the characters better.


Thank you, let's meet in another book:)

Till then, I hope you take care of yourself.

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