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Vienna groaned as she opened her eyes, the bright overhead lights blinding her. She turned her head to the side as she blinked continuously, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness.


She looked up in a confused daze towards the voice, her hand moving to clutch her head.

"What happened," she croaked out as she addressed her father, her head moving as she took in her surroundings, registering the hard surface that was beneath her. She realised she was laying atop one of the wooden tables in the dining area, surrounded by various people who had looks of relief on their features. The blonde boy seemed to be missing, but that was the least of her worries. "Is the school okay? How long was I out for?"

Silva nodded as he clasped both his hands around her left hand, and placed a gentle kiss on her fingers. "We're okay. You were out for around fifteen minutes."

"Bloom went full fairy," Natia exclaimed from the end of the table, an excited expression on her face. "She had these massive fiery wings and just.. obliterated the Burned Ones." Vienna widened her eyes in surprise as she listened to the girl explaining what happened in detail, finally recognising the absence of burning pain she had experienced.

She sat up carefully with the help of her father and moved her legs over the edge of the table, her fingers moving to pull up her shirt slightly. A small bandage was now covering her wound, but there were longer any black veins travelling across the entirety of her torso.

"I thought I told you to be careful," Silva joked, but the welling up tears in his eyes showed just how distraught he was, his grip around her hand tightening slightly.

"Technically, you told me that after I crossed a Burned One," she responded with a small smile, her free arm wrapping around his waist as she laid her head against his chest. She could hear the others shuffling away as she felt her father wrapping both arms around her, his head leaning against the top of hers.

"I have never felt so scared," he mumbled as he held her, his voice shaking slightly. "I don't know what I would have done if you-"

"It's okay, Dad," she reassured with a soft voice. "You're not gonna lose me. Not anytime soon anyway."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned as he pulled away, his hands resting on her shoulders. "Ben could have helped you."

"I didn't want you to sideline me," Vie admitted with a small shrug. "I had zanbaq, so I thought I would be fine."

"Just... Just don't do it again. Please, for my sake."

Vienna nodded with a small smile, her hand moving up to wipe the lone tear from her father's face. "I promise I won't do it again."

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