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Vienna walked through the specialist halls of the academy, noticing how strangely quiet it was. Sky hadn't been in the room when she had woken up again and figured he was still at the assembly for which she had received an email. She probably should have gone to see what the fuss was about, but truthfully, she didn't care. They were probably clearing up the rumours of what had happened to her father anyway.

She sighed softly as she came to a stop, her heart feeling unbearably heavy as she placed her hand against the wooden door. After a few moments, she finally pushed it open and entered the office that her father had been using for years. She walked up to the table and grabbed a pen and blank sheet of paper, and scribbled a warning onto the page.

Keep out, or you'll find
a knife buried in your gut

(if your name is Andreas,
go fuck yourself)

Vienna walked up to the door with the sign, pulling a knife away from where it was strapped to her leg. The girl raised her arm and stabbed it into the door, anchoring the sign into place. She proceeded to slam the door behind her and walked towards the desk, before sinking into the office chair that she would often find her father sitting in.

She tried to swallow away the lump that was in her throat as she pulled her legs to her chest, her head leaning against the back of the chair as she tried not to cry once again. Her eyes fell on the framed picture of her father and Andreas and felt like she was going to lose it at any moment. She surged forward and grabbed the frame, not even hesitating as she flung it against the nearest wall. The glass shattered upon impact, with shards of it flying across the floor.

Her gaze turned to the other photo on the desk, one where her father was holding her when she was younger. A sob threatened to erupt from the girl as she tentatively reached out, her fingers carefully clutching onto the metal frame as she pulled it closer to her. She held it close to her chest and wrapped both arms around herself, her head leaning down to rest against the top of her knees.

The girl ignored the many calls and messages she received through the hour, and instead continued to sit in silence. She hadn't begun to cry again, but she knew that all it took would be one sympathetic glance in her direction before she would erupt again, and she wasn't sure if she could stop this time.

"Vienna?" a muffled voice spoke from behind the closed door.

"Learn to read," she responded, but she sounded so defeated that she doubted the person could even hear what she said.

The sound of the door slowly opening caused her eyes to move up, and she found the blonde boy staring at the glass that was scattered across the floor.

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